Week 8 Blog

This week I was able to research the invention I am studying because of the large amounts of rain we have been having. It seems like my windshield wipers are starting to go out so I think I’m going to need some new ones soon, which would mean more learning about my invention! Also, I’m going home next weekend and my dad has a VW Beetle from the 60s so I’m going to look at those windshield wipers and see how they have changed since then.

As for the project, I still need to figure out how I want to structure the timeline factors part of my project. I think to do this I should either talk to some of my friends in the class or get in touch with M. Van Londen to get some ideas of what she wants the project to look like. I have continued gathering sources but have not done much with them. I’m trying to find sources that stick out and have very different facts because otherwise I will run out of things to say about windshield wipers.

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