The Librarian as a Resource

This week I tried to contact a librarian by text and in person.

When I tried to contact a librarian by text I wasn’t particularly pleased because there was no response. I followed the directions on the OSU Library – Ask a Librarian page where they said to text a number with a code and question. I texted a fairly simple question, just asking about help desk hours thinking that it would be more likely to get me a quick response than a complex question would. I still got no response.

In my MB 385 class I actually had a librarian come visit and teach us tricks for the paper we are writing. We got a lesson on finding good articles using EBSCOhost and a computer application called Zotero that can compile sources and create citations. I took advantage of this opportunity to get things done for both of my classes at the same time and had the librarian answer all my questions during the class period. She led us through installing Zotero step by step and I now have it installed on my personal computer. From EBSCOhost (the search engine I found most helpful) I was able to find a few articles she was mentioned in but none that went into complete detail about her or her inventions. The ones that were completely about Bette Nesmith Graham weren’t available to me online.

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