Weekly Blog 2!

This week I really enjoyed answering the questions in our weekly discussion. Mine took me pretty long to write because I had a difficult time finding some of the information I needed but I didn’t mind because it was information I was interested in knowing. I really enjoyed being able to pick the question that I wanted to answer because of that.

As for blogging, I got a little discouraged while trying to follow the directions for the blog because I wasn’t sure how things were organized. I knew I was supposed to make pages but I didn’t know where those pages I made were and if I was supposed to organize them into categories or not. Although the directions provided by M. Van Londen are very specific, sometimes things just need more explanation. I’m lucky I had a friend who is also taking the class to explain it and take the time to help me although I am still slightly confused about getting the categories to show up when they don’t have content in them.

Brittany Tse

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