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Breakthroughs in Science

2012 College of Science Awards Day

September 20th, 2012

The College of Science Faculty and Staff Awards Day was held on September 19th to celebrate accomplishments of the college over the past year.

Supervisors, colleagues and students nominated awardees based on their contributions to the college and to their field of academia and research.  Interim Dean Vince Remcho, Associate Dean Janine Trempy and Head Advisor Claire Colvin presented the awards at the event that was held in Reser Auditorium in the Linus Pauling Science Center.

The award recipients are as follows:

Devon Quick of the Department of Zoology was awarded the Loyd Carter Award for Outstanding & Inspirational Undergraduate Teaching. Nominated by students, The Loyd Carter Awards recognize faculty in the College who have distinguished themselves in teaching and is the longest standing award given by the College, first bestowed in 1946 to Fred Morgan in Physics.

Kevin Gable in the Department of Chemistry was awarded the Loyd Carter Awards for Outstanding & Inspirational Graduate Teaching.

Mary Flahive of the Department of Mathematics is this year’s recipient of the Olaf Boedtker Award for Excellence in Academic Advising.  This award recognizes an individual in the College who demonstrates outstanding service to the students in advising.

Linda Bruslind of the Department of Microbiology received the Frederick H. Horne Award for Sustained Excellence in Teaching Science.  Former College of Science Dean, Fred Horne created this award to acknowledge selfless dedication to educating the students of the College.

Yun-Shik Lee of the Department of Physics is this year’s recipient of the Milton Harris Award in Basic Research. The Award recognizes exceptional achievement in basic research by a member of the faculty or staff of the College of Science.  Priority is given to research in a distinct area that has had significant impact on its field.

P. Andrew Karplus of the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics was awarded the F.A. Gilfillan Memorial Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Science.  The award is in honor of Francois A. Gilfillan, Dean of the College of Science from 1938-1962 and recognizes faculty based upon a body of scholarly work that has made a lasting impact on its field and on OSU.  It is the highest honor that the College of Science awards to a member of its faculty. With this distinguished award, Dr. Karplus will be the presenter at the F.A. Gilfillan Memorial Award Lecture in the spring of 2012.

GTA training helps new teachers get grounded

August 30th, 2012

Zoology Graduate Student Tim Pusack uses his passion for teaching to help strengthen how Oregon State Graduate Teaching Assistants operate in the classroom.

Read More

Bringing the research lab to the classroom

August 8th, 2012

Dr. Rich Carter in the Department of Chemistry is working with a Dallas High School science teacher, Lee Jones, through the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust Partners in Science Program.  During summer break, Jones will have the opportunity to hone his basic research skills in Carter’s lab.  The program will allow Jones to bring the research of the laboratory to his classroom to strengthen hands on science education.

Read more.

The Heart of Mass

July 30th, 2012

Terra Magazine at Oregon State University talks with Ken Krane, nuclear scientist and emeritus professor of physics, Oregon State University, to discuss the momentous discovery of the “God Particle” and it’s impact on the field of physics.

The term “God particle” tends to rankle physicists. The flippant reference to the recently discovered particle believed to be the Higgs boson was coined by Leon Lederman, the former director of the Department of Energy’s Fermilab and Nobel Prize winning physicist. But, says Ken Krane, nuclear scientist and emeritus professor of physics at Oregon State University, had it not been for the name, the discovery might not have generated such headlines in July. It was good, he adds, to see physics in the news.

It’s no exaggeration to call the discovery momentous. In July, two teams working at the world’s largest atom smasher (the Large Hadron Collider at the European Center for Nuclear Research, known as CERN, near Geneva, Switzerland) announced independently that they had strong experimental evidence for the existence of the Higgs. In an interview shortly after the announcement, Krane explained what scientists found, what it means for their science and why it matters to the rest of us.

Krane chaired the Oregon State Department of Physics from 1984 to 1998 and has written or edited nearly 20 books and monographs, as well as dozens of research articles. The American Association of Physics Teachers recognized his exceptional teaching by awarding him its Millikan Medal in 2004.

Read the full interview here.

The Oregonian 2012 Academic Achievers

June 27th, 2012

The Oregonian is celebrating students in the Portland Metro area who excel in academia.  There have been 534 students identified as Academic Achievers in 2012 and 52 of those are planning on attending Oregon State University. Many of those attending OSU are will be majoring in a Science discipline.

Kelsey Yates from Barlow High School is planning to major in biology with a marine biology focus.  Beaverton High School graduate Victor Tran  will be majoring in biochemistry with a pre-dental option.  Shelby Stewart from Canby High School looks forward to study abroad opportunities while majoring in biology with a pre-med option.  As an avid volunteer in her community, Katlyn Stade will continue to help her fellow man as a nurse by getting her start in the pre-nursing program at Oregon State.  Chemistry Olympiad Benjamin Hamel will continue his love for the field by majoring in chemistry in the College of Science.

We look forward to welcoming these Portland Metro area Academic Achievers to Oregon State and to the College of Science.  To learn more about the other Achievers, please visit the OregonlLive.com’s list.

START 2012

June 25th, 2012

The College of Science would like to welcome the new students on campus who will be attending START sessions this summer.

If you would like more information about new student programming or START, please visit http://oregonstate.edu/newstudents

Mathematics Associate Chair, Dr. Bill Bogley, appointed as Director of Academic Programs, Assessment and Accreditation

June 22nd, 2012

Rebecca Warner, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, announced to the OSU community on Friday, June 22nd that she appointed Dr. Bill Bogley as Director of Academic Programs, Assessment and Accreditation effective July 1, 2012.

Currently  Dr. Bogley is a Professor and Associate Chair in the Mathematics department. Along with his duties to Mathematics, he is the  co-Chair of the Baccalaureate Core Committee after having served as co-Chair of the Baccalaureate Core Ad Hoc Review Committee from 2008-2010.

As the new Director of APAA, Dr. Bogley will be charged with program development and assessment and will evaluate best practices to advance student retention, graduation and success throughout OSU.  He will also be the coordinator on campus  for accreditation with the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.

Congratulations to Dr. Bill Bogley.

Pre-Pharmacy students move to College of Science

June 19th, 2012

Welcome Pre-Pharmacy students to the College of Science!  We are excited to help you meet your academic goals to prepare you for the next step in your career.  Please contact the College of Science office at 541-737-4811 or science@oregonstate.edu so that we may assist you with acclimating to the new advising structure.

Pre-Pharm Advisors:

A-R    Alex Aljets
S-Z    Greg McCarthy


June 18th, 2012

College of Science 2012 Graduates:
The next generation of science leaders.

We are proud to have you join the ranks of innovative Oregon State University College of Science Alumni.

Oregon State University honors outstanding students

June 13th, 2012

Every year, Oregon State University honors students who have shown superior academic and community involvement throughout the school year including 81 College of Science Students.

2011-2012 Award recipients in the College of Science include:

  • Brianna Crisman, junior in general science, Drucilla Shepard Smith Scholastic Award
  • Heather Wilson, senior in physics, Drucilla Shepard Smith Scholastic Award
  • Awbrey Anderson, senior in general science, Drucilla Shepard Smith Scholastic Award
  • Sheena Bettis, freshman in microbiology, Drucilla Shepard Smith Scholastic Award
  • Michael Brydone-Jack, senior in biology, Drucilla Shepard Smith Scholastic Award
  • Karin Collins, sophomore in biology, Drucilla Shepard Smith Scholastic Award
  • Erik Dove, sophomore in biology, Clara H. Waldo and E.A. Cummings Outstanding Student Award
  • Kelli Ennis, senior in biology, Graduating Presidential Scholar
  • Lucas Estabrook, junior in mathematics, Drucilla Shepard Smith Scholastic Award
  • Matthew Glaus, senior in general science, Drucilla Shepard Smith Scholastic Award
  • Shannon Goff, senior in microbiology, Graduating Presidential Scholar
  • Michelle Happenny, senior in biology, Clara H. Waldo and E.A. Cummings Outstanding Student Award Honorable Mention
  • Maria Herbison, sophomore in general science, Drucilla Shepard Smith Scholastic Award
  • Jacob Huegel, sophomore in biochemistry and biophysics, Drucilla Shepard Smith Scholastic Award & Clara H. Waldo and E.A. Cummings Outstanding Student Award Honorable Mention
  • Kyle Ireton, senior in biochemistry and biophysics, Clara H. Waldo and E.A. Cummings Outstanding Student Award & Graduating Presidential Scholar
  • Mikkel Kringelbach, freshman in mathematics, Drucilla Shepard Smith Scholastic Award
  • Margaret-Rose “Rosie” Leung, senior in mathematics, Clara H. Waldo and E.A. Cummings Outstanding Student Award Honorable Mention
  • Nicholas Lowery, senior in microbiology, Graduating Presidential Scholar
  • Rachel Maurer, senior in biology, Drucilla Shepard Smith Scholastic Award
  • Dalton McCuen, sophomore in physics, Drucilla Shepard Smith Scholastic Award
  • Lisa Neyman, senior in biology, Graduating Presidential Scholar
  • Alexa Ortiz, junior in zoology, Clara H. Waldo and E.A. Cummings Outstanding Student Award
  • Chelsea Parker, senior in biochemistry and biophysics, Grace Wu Memorial Award
  • Thomas Pitts, senior in mathematics, Drucilla Shepard Smith Scholastic Award
  • Katherine Rudie, junior in biology, Drucilla Shepard Smith Scholastic Award
  • Minhazur Sarker, junior in microbiology, Clara H. Waldo and E.A. Cummings Outstanding Student Award Connie Shen, senior in biology, Drucilla Shepard Smith Scholastic Award
  • David Shumway, junior in biology, Drucilla Shepard Smith Scholastic Award
  • Zyan Silver, senior in zoology, Graduating Presidential Scholar
  • Allison Stringer, senior in biology, The National Udall Scholarship
  • Michelle Tan, junior in biochemistry and biophysics, Drucilla Shepard Smith Scholastic Award
  • Oresta Tolmach, senior in biochemistry and Biophysics, Drucilla Shepard Smith Scholastic Award & Clara H. Waldo and E.A. Cummings Outstanding Student Award
  • Tri Tran, sophomore in general science, Drucilla Shepard Smith Scholastic Award
  • Jian Zhao, senior in general science, Drucilla Shepard Smith Scholastic Award
  • Annika Swanson, sophomore in biochemistry and biophysics, National Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program
  • Emily Cade, sophomore in biochemistry and biophysics, Drucilla Shepard Smith Scholastic Award
  • Katherine Eskridge, sophomore in biology, Drucilla Shepard Smith Scholastic Award

Click here for the list of all Oregon State Students who were honored.