Oregon State University
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Breakthroughs in Science

Science Pub: Water, Electronics and Energy Featuring Doug Keszler

January 12th, 2013

The first Corvallis Science Pub of the new year will feature distinguished professor of chemistry and Director of the Center for Sustainable Materials Chemistry, Dr. Doug Keszler.  In his talk, “Water, Electronics and Energy” he will discuss solutions to the problems of climate change and creating more efficient, lower cost solar power that can help curb our addiction to fossil fuels.

Monday, January 14th
6pm – 8pm
Old World Deli
341 SW 2nd St.
Corvallis, OR
Cost: Free

Be sure to get to Old World Deli early to make sure you get a seat for this popular event.



Join us next month on February 11, for “Extinction in Our Time: Why should we care if frogs disappear?” with Andrew Blaustein, Oregon State professor of zoology and director of the Environmental Sciences Graduate Program

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