
Welcome! This is the blog website for BI 319: Critical Thinking and Communication in the Life Sciences at Oregon State University.

This website features one of the major writing projects completed by BI 319 students — the informational artifact.

This project required students to either (1) design an exhibition label for a display/animal/object in an aquarium/zoo/museum that can facilitate outreach or (2) an informational pamphlet that can be used to improve knowledge levels and/or change people’s attitudes on a topic relevant to the life sciences or health.

Importantly, all artifacts have been be anonymized so that students’ rights to privacy are protected.

Please enjoy the creations of our BI 319 students!

If you are a BI 319 student, please click on your group name under Assigned Artifacts (in ribbon on left) to access the informational artifacts assigned to your group for evaluation. Feel free to leave a comment!

Exhibition Labels:

