Writing Exercise #5 – Food Choices

Prompt: What choices do you make in terms of food/nutrition/product use and consumption that may have an impact on your microbial communities? Consider choices that are intentional, and choices that are perhaps non-intentional.

So, first I want to say that I believe that everything that we consume affects our microbial communities in our guts. Now, I do however, make some choices to consciously give myself a chance of benefiting those tiny organisms in my intestines. Some of the things I have started doing intentionally in the past couple of years to benefit my gut microbiome are:

  • I take a probiotic supplement (capsule) daily with my first meal.
  • I make it a point to drink 4-6 ounces of raw kombucha 5-6 days a week (DELICIOUS).
  • I eat fermented foods: yogurt, kimchi, beer (lol), kiefer, and sauerkraut. This is easy because I like all of these things.
  • Lots of garlic in my diet.
  • Overall, I try to eat healthy every day, not just for my gut health but for my overall health.
  • Greens (spinach, kale, broccoli, spirulina)

The intentional choices have been placed in my daily routine in order to benefit my gut health, overall health, etc. The non-intentional choices can most definitely have an adverse affect on microbial communities. Without doing any research, here is a list of things that I believe are probably bad for my gut.

  • Sugar-Free energy drinks (Bang, Monster, Red Bull) – These are full of weird stuff that we can’t pronounce and sugar alcohols that are probably no good.
  • Protein powders/bars – Once again, the sugar alcohols really scare me when I think about them.
  • Fried Foods – Inflammation causing food.
  • Potato Chips
  • TACO BELL – Every college kid knows we eat a little too much of this after a good weekend
  • Too much beer?

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