Writing Exercise #1

Non-infectious diseases in humans that are caused by microorganisms are probably much more abundant than those that I can think of off of my own knowledge, but I do see where the assignment instructions want us to recall from our own knowledge.

The diseases I can think of are:

  • Colon Cancer
  • Alzheimer’s
  • IBD (bowel disease)
  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic Lung Disease

That is pretty much the extent of my immediate knowledge of non-infectious diseases that are caused by microorganisms. I do know that I could name off diseases all day, but not the kind associated with those tiny little organisms. This is something that I am particularly interested in for my future, however. I am so obsessed at the moment with the idea that certain bacteria in our guts could be the reason for some of our daily problems in life. I would love to learn more about gut microbiome imbalances, inflammation, etc. I would put the affects of microorganisms on our daily lives and our futures in a similar, if not the same category. With that being said, the name of this course is indeed all of the words that I just said, so I believe that I will have no problem staying entertained and interested throughout the term.

Conclusion: I want to learn so much more about the gut microbiome. Tell me everything.

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