Writing Exercise #8

I have honestly found this class to be way more interesting than I was expecting. We are learning things that we can apply to our everyday life. Personally, I have always thought that gut health is super important. Everything we put into our bodies, and expose our bodies to will have some sort of positive or negative impact. Knowing this, I have made life choices that I know will benefit me in the near or far future. I choose to drink fermented drinks like kombucha, drink green green tea, eat fermented foods, and lots of greek yogurt. I am very conscientious about what goes into my body, and it is interesting to learn about how those things contribute to our overall health in this class.

Everything we put into our bodies, and expose our bodies to will have some sort of positive or negative impact. Recently, I have thought about this exact thought many times. I am a very healthy person, and I choose to be this way honestly because I am terrified of disease, cancer, death, etc. I want to do everything I can now to benefit my body for the future. I eat a plant based diet because I know it is the healthiest diet, and has the longest longevity. I exercise 5 times a week because I know that it helps keep my bones strong, my mind focused, helps me sleep better, and prevents many diseases in the future. I practice yoga at least once a week because I know the calming effects gives a euphoric feeling, helps relieve stress, and makes me feel good. I choose not to smoke because I know how addictive it is, how it creates reactive oxygen species in our bodies, and leads to many cancers. I wear sunscreen on my face everyday because I know it protects my face from even the minimal amount of UV rays we get here in Oregon.  I also choose not to partake in much alcohol consumption because it can be addictive and also can result in many health problems in the future. All the choices I make today, I choose to make because of the way it impacts my future self. I try and do stuff to better myself for whats to come.

For my final essay I think I want to discuss a few of the topics I discussed in the previous paragraph in order to be a healthier person. I am very passionate about health and I think I would enjoy writing about the topic of how exercise and diet contribute to being a healthy person.


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