Exercise #4- Rhetorical Precis

(1)Łukasz Hołubiuk and Jacek Imiela Department of Social Nursing, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, in their study entitled “Diet and Helicobacter pylori infection” (2016) study how dietary interventions enable a decrease in H. pylori colonization and result in a decrease in gastritis prevalence, that potentially lowering the risk of gastric adenocarcinoma development. (2) Holubiuk and Imiel supports this thesis by studying from many other research articles and tests that were associated with H. pylori and gut microbiota organisms. They provide evidence that a certain diet with vegetables, juices and oils obtained promising results from their studies assessing in vitro effect of the combined use of different substances of plant origin with established anti-H. pylori activity. (3) The purpose of this dissertation is to describe the important of diet and how it can effect H. pylori infection, and to find a more cost efficient, less adverse effect treatment than the common antibiotic cure for H. pylori. (4) Holubiuk and Imiel publish a scholarly article about H. pylori and diet building a relationship with microbiological research as well as healthcare fields.



Hołubiuk Ł, Imiela J. 2016. Diet and Helicobacter pylori infection. Gastroenterology Review 3:150–154.