Week 10 brought this internship to a close. This week, we got to work on some sunflowers that had been growing outside.
First, we made a spore solution using spores that had been collected from a petri plate on which they were growing. We also had some diluted potassium chloride to spray on the sunflowers that weren’t getting treated with the spore solution.
All of the potassium chloride treatments got covered up so that they wouldn’t get any of the spore solution on them.
Spore solution…
Direct hit!
After applying this treatment, we were going to wait and see if the spore treated plants developed a pinkish residue that had been found on some other sunflowers, to see if those spores caused that problem.
This internship was such a great experience and I am very thankful that I got this opportunity to work with and learn so much from everybody!