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Be Positive. Be Orange.

Posted December 15th, 2013 by elmsgiur

Rya Elms-Giudici

Be orange. What exactly does this entail? Are there specific criteria we each must meet in order to be accepted into the university and thus be considered orange?  At first I thought of orange as a straight forward trait such as being good, being motivated or being well. Sure these are all things that are valued in our community and therefore can be considered orange. But each student will attribute their own values and beliefs which they believe represents the community of Oregon State.  That six letter word (orange) that represents a color to many, but a way of life to us. That’s the beauty of it though, each student or professor will all see different positive aspects represented in the community that will shape our understanding of what it means to be orange.

The key word here is positive, positivity, positiveness, no matter how you use the word the meaning remains a powerful and important one. To be positive encompasses all traits that are reflected within Oregon State, such as kindness, acceptance, love, and motivation.  As students and teachers we strive to find motivation towards our academic and personal goals, which brings about the most positive outcome.

We study so that we will receive a positive grade, we workout so that we will have positive health benefits.  We work hard in sports so that we will win, we join a community (a club, a team, a sorority or a job) so that we can not only better ourselves either financially or academically but so that we feel part of something that will bring about a positive experience for us and overall create a positive experience of our time at the university.

The five core values that the Oregon State strategic plan lays out is: Accountability, diversity, integrity, respect and social responsibility. These five traits are all positive and seek to bring about a positive outcome through interactions. Two phrases that stood out in the universities strategic plan were “ We practice honesty, freedom, truth and integrity in all that we do” and “We treat each other with civility, dignity and respect”.  Theses are positive criteria that are outlined to help guide Oregon State in achieving the best positive outcomes and experiences for those attending this university.  Practicing honesty and freedom in everything we do leaves little room for negativity. Treating everyone you come into contact with respect and dignity allows for a place of positivity.  The university is large but students come together with common values of love, kindness and respect that help achieve their goals and make life long connections that will stay with them through their professional and personal careers.

In this community the university has so many aspects that are here to help each other, from academic advising, counseling services, a workout facility, yoga classes, personal sports trainers to student health.  The main goal of these facilities and faculty is to provide support that will increase both positive outcomes in our academic careers and personal lives.  Most students’ goals when entering college are to work hard towards a career goal and have fun along the way.  When we take a step back however and look at all the little things throughout the day that make a positive reaction or atmosphere within the university it is powerful.  The positive things that we see or experience affects how we perceive the school and how well we are motivated towards our goals. For instance the Christmas lights decorating Kelly were put up to create a more cheerful and festive atmosphere for students while they are studying.  The on campus coffee shops sell a 16 oz. coffee for the price of 12 oz. during finals week to give students a little more caffeine to help with finals.  Free cookies and tea are passed out in the library during finals week to encourage and reward students for studying. I want orange to mean all of these things. Positivity. And the echo that simple acts of kindness can create through the university. I imagine the values of the university that create Orange as positive as a medicine cabinet.  A medicine cabinet is where we go to get a ban aid if we are hurt, or take some vitamin if we are sick.  There are only things that make us feel better or improve us in a medicine cabinet. Just as in Oregon states medicine cabinet there are only things that bring about positivity and change for the better. Boosting our overall moral.  Encouraging us to do better. Focusing us to exhibit love and kindness to everyone around us.  And increasing our overall pride to be a part of an experience and community that values being positive and creating positive outcomes that will reflect throughout the 1 photo 2

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