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Be Proud Be Orange

Posted March 21st, 2013 by bakerta

My degree from Oregon State University will mean so much more than a diploma could ever say. Being the first person to graduate from a university in my whole entire family will be such an honor and privilege. Now days many people go to college because their parents and grandparents went, it’s already planned in their future they will attend college. Attending college was a choice I had to make for myself. Working hard to get good enough grades to get into college was a decision that I had to work towards. I am putting the responsibility of my life into my own hands. I am putting my own welfare and goals first (78). In that ethical ego state of mind I am trying to make a future for my self. It may sound harsh and that I am being selfish but through my self care practice I have learned that you must take care of your-self in order to best take care of those around you. As an utilitarianism prospective I am trying to make the right decision that gives me the best balance of happiness for everyone concerned (85).  Going to college will not only make my current family proud, but it will allow me to provide for my future family. When thinking about how I fell when attending college I feel that I am making a choice to be successful based on a model of excellence (136). When looking at the state of minds you can be in, ethical ego, consequentialism, non-consequentialism, virtue ethics, you must have a combination of them all. Happiness come when you think of others, the ricks and rewards of action and also sometimes when you think of your own well being.

Being Orange to me is something I can be proud of. When leaving Oregon State University I want other to see the pride and school spirit I hold for OSU. I believe that this value does not just hold true to me. Any student that has graduated or is currently attending OSU has the right to be proud of their school. Along with students, facility and other employees that contribute to the school should take pride and honor in being a part of Oregon State. Oregon State is doing great things and has been for many years, all community members should be proud of the excellent examples set before them.

My value is very important because people are longing to feel like they belong in the world. Being apart of Oregon State University community allows you to be proud of where you came from but also what you had accomplished while you were there. Becoming proud of the Oregon State community comes from many small actions that create a greater action. Each class you take, and work hard to pass is a small action that leads to your overall goal.

When graduating form Oregon State I want people to know that it was a challenge, that it was hard and I had to stay determined and focused. College was not a plan that was set before me. I had to expectations set on me that I had to finish college, which in a way is making it harder to stay focused. Working hard to achieve my goals is a choice I am proud to make for myself. After leaving Oregon State I will feel proud to be a beaver forever.

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