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Professional Day 2016

On Saturday, April 16th, 2016, students and alumni gathered for the annual OSU College of Pharmacy Professional Day. This event allows pharmacy students a chance to network with pharmacists from various practice settings and learn about the vast opportunities available in the pharmacy profession.

Students and alumni gather together to listen to the Business Case Competition presentation

Dan Kennedy (’93) takes his wardrobe to the next level with bright orange OSU socks!

One team presented their business plan for the Entrepreneurial Academy Business Case Competition. The judging panel included Dan Kennedy (’93), Kevin Russell (’93), Doug Butler (’88), Steven Bass (’01), OSU College of Pharmacy Alumni Director Paige Clark (’85), and OSU College of Pharmacy Assistant Clinical Professor Adriane Irwin.

Entrepreneurial Academy Business Case team members Kayla Burnette (’18), Cristina Heim (’19), Kelly Kovl (’18), Evan Lange (’19), and Mireille Rygnestad (’18) presenting their business plan to judges.
Team members Kayla Burnette (’18), Cristina Heim (’19), Kelly Kovl (’18), Evan Lange (’19), and Mireille Rygnestad (’18) presented their business plan, ReadyRx – Bringing Healthcare to You, as a way to make healthcare more accessible to rural areas.

After the Business Case Competition, students learned the in’s and out’s of Managed Care from the Managed Care Panel. The panel included Amy Burns (’11), Jared Okerson (’13), Doug Butler (’88), and Steve Lam (’15) with Sital Patel from Moda Health.

Kayla Burnette (’18) moderates the Managed Care Panel, which includes Amy Burns (’11), Jared Okerson (’13), Doug Butler (’88), and Steve Lam (’15) with Sital Patel

Students meeting Amber Barni from Rite Aid during
Quick Conversations

Students meet with Steven Bass (’01) from Fred Meyer during
Quick Conversations

Students meet Steve Lam (’15) from Moda Heatlh and Jessica Waletich Flemming (’09) of MD Anderson during Quick Conversations

For further questions and answers regarding Managed Care Pharmacy as well as other forms of pharmacy not represented in the panel, students utilized the “Quick Conversations” event to have small group discussion time with individual pharmacy professionals from those fields. In addition to the judges and Managed Care panel members, students met Amber Barni of Rite Aid and Jessica Waletich Flemming (’09) of MD Anderson.

Thank you to all who participated to make this a successful event!
To see more photos of the event, head over to ourFacebook page.

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