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Breakin’ Down the MU 2015

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This past Friday, January 30th, was the 4th annual Breakin’ Down the MU event, hosted by OSU College of Pharmacy’s Entrepreneurial Academy. This health fair is unlike any other held throughout the year. Participants got to see College of Pharmacy students in action giving Blood glucose screenings from Operation Diabetes, Blood pressure monitoring from Operation Heart, and flu shots from Operation Immunization.
Those that came to the event were also treated to fantastic performances, and on-the-spot lessons, by a variety of dance groups from OSU, including OSU Hip Hop Association, OSU EliteDance, Cool Shoes Swing, and Country Western Dance.
Thanks to the hard work of the Entrepreneurial Academy Leaders, this event was a true success for the College of Pharmacy.

Advertising: P2 leaders: Brittany & Courtney Louie
                        P1 leaders: Tri Tran, Tina Nguyen
Sales- Susie Fedler
OSSP health fair coordinator: Riley Miller
Radio/Media advertising: Kelly Kovl
OSU Health departments liaison: Young Yoon Ham
Dance groups contracts: Jason Morris
Technology coordinator: Dan Muongpack
Sponsorship committee- Kayla Burnette, Austin Pliska, & Victor Tran

Ogechukwu ‘Gechi’ Erinne (’17), the current President of EA, had this to say about the event, “The success of the 4th Annual Breakin’ Down the MU event demonstrated student leadership and team work. This event was an experiment influenced by the students’ decision to amend budgets from previous years. It was fascinating how students quickly regrouped and occupied several roles in organizing this event. It featured OSU’s own dance groups alongside the health fair booths. We had about 300 people in attendance, in addition to 100 volunteers that comprised of the dance groups, preceptors and OSU health departments. We successfully turned a profit and were able to provide donations to dance groups and a grand prize, an IPad mini. It was such an honor working with ‘The DrEAm tEAm’ future leaders of our profession!”

Gechi and all the EA leaders, as well as the College of Pharmacy, would also like to extend our gratitude to Vince Whiting for his overwhelming support and leadership to the Entrepreneurial Academy for this event.

Money raised by admissions will go towards allowing pharmacy students to provide free outreaches throughout the year to the communities of Corvallis, Albany, and Eugene.

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