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Bringing in the Vietnamese New Year CoP style

On February 4th, students under the leadership of Thoai Nguyen, P3, organized an impressive health fair at the Vietnamese New Year Festival in Portland.  The OSU College of Pharmacy served approximately 600 people through this outreach.

During the course of the day students performed 159 blood glucose screenings, 90 blood pressure measurements, and numerous vaccinations.  In addition, students educated 273 Portlanders on AWARE while the booth dedicated to Mr. Yuk, OTC education and information about the OSU College of Pharmacy connected with an additional 185 people.  The outreach volunteers also welcomed visits from a number of alumni, supporters, and their families including Linh Chau (’01), Christina Van (’03), and Wendy Mai (’04).

A special thanks to the College’s faculty and alumni preceptors including Sandy To (’03), David Huynh (’10), Janne Huynh (’09), Diem Chau Do (’99), Huy Nguyen (’11) and Annie Bui (’11) who made this outreach possible!




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