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Safe Kids Day at the Oregon Zoo

The first Saturday in May means it’s time again for Safe Kids Day at the Oregon Zoo. This annual event sponsored by Safe Kids Portland Metro and American Medical Response provides a fun and interactive way to educate families on how to be safe in all types of everyday situations. This year, 13 OSU pharmacy students from all 4 classes turned out on a rainy and sunny May 7th to continue the tradition of representing the Oregon Poison Center to help educate smart little kids and their parents about poison safety.

Kids were challenged to pick between two similar-looking products: one edible and one poison, although the universally-recognized Mr. Yuk sticker on the poison was a big hint! For the grownups, they were encouraged to program the nationwide Poison Center phone number (800-222-1222) into their cellphones.

Providing 24/7 service to Oregon, Alaska, and Guam, the Oregon Poison Center is staffed by nurses who are certified poison specialists, as well as by pharmacy students on rotation at the Poison Center. Thanks to everyone who helped out at this event!
P1s: Theresa Gatti, June Keay, and Petrus Oliphant
P2s: Lauren Armijo, Jared Isse, and Haley McHenry
P3s: Kristen Atebara, Reid Ishikawa, Tracie Kobayashi, Karim Moukalled, and Tim Simpson
P4s: Tony Tong and Lyn Vu

Pictures were taken by Lisbeth Ward-Fowler (Oregon Poison Center Health Educator) and Reid Ishikawa (P3)

– Story and Photos Submitted by Tony Tong

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