Paste from Word tool

Pasting text from MS Word directly onto a Blackboard page can cause formatting issues due to hidden code in Word.

Blackboard has a Paste from Word tool in the text editor that cleans up code in the pasted text while retaining its formatting.

Look for a button on the right side of the bottom tool bar in the text editor window. Click the down arrow, and select Paste from Word:


Published by

Lynn Greenough

Instructional Technology Specialist at Oregon State University, and chair of the Blackboard Steering Committee

2 thoughts on “Paste from Word tool”

  1. This only solves part of the cut and paste problem in Bb. The only way I can get a consistent look to the text I post in announcements (or elsewhere on Bb) is to type it directly into the interface or paste it first in Notepad before cutting and pasting into Bb. HTML seems to display differently when done in different browsers. Especially difficult are the line breaks between paragraphs.

    1. True. Paste From Word solves an issue with embedded Microsoft code and how it can conflict with display of information on Blackboard, but does not introduce a new toolset for editing text on the HTML page.

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