Payroll encumbrance feed

Got a call from SOU wanting to know why an encumbrance jv was stuck at Incomplete and wouldn’t post.  The was no seqno marked as an error in FGAJVCD so I had them complete it and then ran approvals.  No issues there so I ran posting. The posting list file gave the following error:

Document V0007872 , item 0 , sequence 872 – WARNING : Budget is exceeded
Document V0007872 , item 0 , sequence 873 attempted to post to an Encumbrance with a non-matching accounting Distribution.
Document V0007872 , item 0 , sequence 873 attempted to post to an Encumbrance with a non-matching accounting Distribution.
Error occurred on document, posting rolled back and document reset.


We tried to just delete that seqno but then just got another error.  Investigating we noticed it was an adjustment rule code but there was no initial rule code entry for that fopal, encd_item, encd_num combo.  We looked in the payroll feed table nhrdist and found the missing initial entry tied to a jv that existed in payroll but not in finance.  No reason why as far as we could determine.  We ran a script to post the missing jv to finance thinking the other would feed after the missing jv posted.  Instead we ran into the same error.  Investigating I compared nhrdist and fpbjvcd for that encumbrance number and looked for any jvs on nhrdist missing from fgbjvcd.  I found 6.


At this point we decided to clear payroll encumbrances for the year and re-do them.  We had a script to clear them on the payroll side but still had to clear them out of finance.  It turns out that the process is well documented by the HRIS Fiscal Year-End Processing document that OUS sends to the Payroll people before year-end.  Section A liquidates the encumbrances and Section B verifies that they have been removed.  Short version:

Section A: Run PWPEREM (in Update mode) with PR15 as the Encumbrance prefix.  Then run FWRLQPE. Then FGRTRNI, Then FGRTRNR.  Fix errors.  Post the file.

Section B: Run FWRPDIF.  Results should be zero.  Directions say to run either FGIENCB, query on PR15, or run FWRINZE, results should be zero.


We re-ran the encumbrance process and ended up with the same posting error but this time we were down to 3 different record pairs causing an issue.  They had the same foap, encd_num, encd_item, and encd_seqno but different account codes with the record above them.  Posting coulldn’t handle this.  The encd_seqno should not be the same for both records. We tracked down the cursor in nhpfin1 which set the account code and I found that for the ecls and bdca codes for the bad record was indeed returning the correct account code.  I was able to get nhrdist_posn and then the ecls from nbbposn.  The encd_seqno for the bad record in the pair had to be set up wrong in payroll.  Indeed the earnings code for the individual and labor distribution were mismatched.  Earnings was set up for classified but labor distribution was set up for faculty.  Once they fixed the 3 individuals, everything fed.

About wendlerb

I didn't drown.
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