PCARD has an am process and a pm process which runs on the owag oracle scheduler.  These processes can be run via job submission manually on owag also.


The shell scripts are in the owag subversion directories and are:

> ll pcard*

-rwxr-xr-x 1 wendlerb ecs_dev 5092 Feb 27 08:51 pcard_co_am.shl

-rwxr-xr-x 1 wendlerb ecs_dev 2552 Feb 19 08:29 pcard_co_pm.shl

-rwxr-xr-x 1 wendlerb ecs_dev 4958 Mar  4 13:13 pcard_eou_am.shl

-rwxr-xr-x 1 wendlerb ecs_dev 2537 Feb 19 08:30 pcard_eou_pm.shl

-rwxr-xr-x 1 wendlerb ecs_dev 4965 Jun 19 08:08 pcard_oit_am.shl

-rwxr-xr-x 1 wendlerb ecs_dev 2569 Feb 19 08:31 pcard_oit_pm.shl

-rwxr-xr-x 1 wendlerb ecs_dev 4962 Jul  2 09:04 pcard_sou_am.shl

-rwxr-xr-x 1 wendlerb ecs_dev 2494 Jul  2 09:07 pcard_sou_pm.shl

-rwxr-xr-x 1 wendlerb ecs_dev 4916 Jun 17 09:37 pcard_wou_am.shl

-rwxr-xr-x 1 wendlerb ecs_dev 2488 Feb 19 08:32 pcard_wou_pm.shl

The am process:

Connects to proxy serenity with a separate institution account for the school and runs a script on serenity which does a sftp transfer of the bankfile from US Bank.  The file is eventually transferred to the appropriate flat directory on js1 and given the name bankfile.txt.  Next the file gets sql loaded into a temp table and has some manipulation done to the data via zfpcard300 and zfpcard400.  Fapcard runs, then furfeed,fgrtrni, and fgrtrnr.  Some reports are generated and a process kicks off to email the vendors. Ran into an issue with the email vendor piece (pcard_gurtklr_emails) because of an upgrade to student  which hit sokemal.  Right now there are two versions of this email script because not all schools are on newest version of student.


The pm process:

Sql script runs to push sweep date back a day.  Fapinvt runs which sweeps up the days transactions and creates the Z doc invoices.  Some reports get generated.

The usual suspects:

90% of the issues with this come when an institute forgets to enter a pcard number into Banner after they’ve issued it.  It shows up in the bankfile from US Bank and Banner has no record of the card.  When this happens the fapcard report will show an error and 0 records processed.  The furfeed lis will show nothing fed.  When this happens you need to get the school to enter the card into Banner.  After they do that you’ve got a number of steps to do:

1 Move the archived file from the archive directory back to the main directory and rename the file to bankfile.txt

Ie.  mv  /san/flat/wou/wouprd/fin/pcard/arch/bankfile20130627_data.lis   /san/flat/wou/wouprd/fin/pcard/bankfile.txt

2  Log into owag and run the am shell from job submission for the school.  Change parameter 1 from N to Y and then submit.


Never had an issue with the pm process.

About wendlerb

I didn't drown.
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