Pcard Issue

Controllers had a pcard invoice Z0001710 which didn’t post.  Investigating I found a previous pcard JV in suspense in addition to the missing invoice.  The JV didn’t post because it ran the first of the month when controllers forgot to open the fiscal period.  I found a fgrtrnr report that said Aug 1 tried to post to a period that wasn’t open.  So the fabinvt record said it never fed and it had no invoices assigned to it.  Since the fiscal period was now open, I had controllers go into FGAJVCD and re-enter the acct and tab through each field so it would resubmit and post.  It did.  Now we are waiting for tonight’s fabinvt run to see if it gets picked up and assigned an invoice.


The Z0001710 invoice was on a different JV.  The invoice table fabinvh had it as in suspense, open, unapproved, and incomplete.  Controllers could not enter a commodity description on it in FAAINVT.  I was able to query it on FAIINVE so I had controllers go into FAAINVE to put the description in.  It completed it and then I had them approve it.  Once that was done it posted

About wendlerb

I didn't drown.
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