WOU fapcard report gave an error on the Mar 28 run:

ERROR: Unable to create FABINVT record. ORA-01843: not a valid month

ERROR: Unable to create FABINVT record. ORA-01843: not a valid month

ERROR: Unable to create FABINVT record. ORA-01843: not a valid month


That is a date format error.  The table fatcard’s records get deleted when there is an issue so I couldn’t tell what was trying to be inserted into fabinvt.  I had to run the am script manually and stop before running fapcard so I could see the records in fatcard.  Investigating the records showed the dates were fine so wasn’t an issue from the treasury file that got loaded.  I looked at the fapcard script and suspected the problem was with the sweep_date and pmt_due_date.  I modified it to print out those values on the fapcard.lis report and sure enough they didn’t have a proper date.


Those 2 variables are calculated and involve settings on FTMPCSH.  Michele discovered a accidental gap in the dates between the end of period 9 and the start of period 10 which the post date fell in.   We reran after she corrected the gap and everything processed correctly.


I removed the 2 debug lines I added to fapcard to bring it back to the 5th site code

About wendlerb

I didn't drown.
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