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Authentic Orange and Always

Posted June 12th, 2015 by aguilarr

Submitted by Ricky Aguilar
Living an authentically lifestyle, it is when you are the purest form of you that you can be. You do not join the herd as Nietzsche would have said. You don’t just follow the herd mindlessly. You don’t pretend to be someone who you are not. (Lecture 5/28/15)

Now how live authentically Orange. Now most student at OSU fall into transcendence, they act like what other people think they should act. They try their best to act the part, instead of being authentic. For example, students sometime act in bad faith. They act like a typical college students, always partying and never going to classes. (Lecture 6/2/15). Now a way to live authentically, would just be as easy as being yourself. But for a lot of people this can be scary, because of the feeling of being rejected. As Nietzshe said “In doing so we give up our authenticity and adopt morals and traits that may not be our own” (Nietzsche, The Gay Science, pg. 116-119). A way to avoid that would be to, surround yourself with people that will encourage you for being you. This is a good example of the Existential theme 4. (Lecture 5/21/15). Now being in college is a perfect time for living authentically. College is a time to find yourself, to find the purest form of you.

Now being authentically orange, is when you find yourself acting like you and not letting other people choose who you should be. We must always try to live authentically, because it’s the only way to truly be ourselves. But sometimes this can be hard. For example, working at a workplace where they require you dress not to yourself and say things that you would normally say. This could dehumanize ourselves. But if you still act the way that is true to you, you could avoid acting in bad faith. (Lecture 5/28/15). The way I see it, it’s quite simple we should act like kids when we can and act like adults when that’s expected from us. Nietzsche, said that being a child is the purest form of you that you can be. (Lecture 6/4/15). But the problem with this, is that when we are acting like adults. This could be a form of denying facticity, we could be denying the fact that we are not be whom we want to be. I feel that as long as we feel like we are being true to ourselves, we are being authentic.

We need to be nothing but true to ourselves, but also not just do things because other expect us to do them. We should do them because we want to. This can be hard for lots of people, because they are already in the mind set of being in bad faith. This can be hard to break for lots of individuals. But we always have a choice, even when we don’t choice we are choosing not to choose. (Lecture 5/26/15). There is always a choice to be made, but making it is what makes us who we are.

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