5 Ways to Increase Landing Page Conversions

Do you know what NSAMCWADLP stands for? Yeah, neither did I until I read further. Now if reading further doesn’t intrigue you let me give you a brief run down.  According to Digital Marketing Essentials, it stands for “Never Start a Marketing Campaign with a Dedicated landing page”. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or like myself, very green in the subject matter your main concern with the development and implementation of of a landing page is because you’re trying to attract consumers to your campaign and to come up with a solution to their problem, right? Well look no further my friend because here are 5 ways to increase the traffic (people) that come to your page, whether it be by pure accident, organic search or you’re offering a product or service they may or may not already have in mind, that lead to conversions, or what we hate to call or refer to as purchase. In other words what is so grasping about your landing page that it not only attracts the customer in but increases their chances or purchasing your product or service.

1) According to Ryan Osman, Senior SEM (search engine management) manager at Obility, one way to increase landing page conversions is what is apparent above the fold, when they land on your page. Meaning, what is the first things they see and catching to the eye upon first glance? From my brief experience, large pictures, symbols and a clear message that entice your customer to want to continue to scroll.

2) Usability of your page. Can they access further downloads, are your colors bold and bright or is there to much wordy, verbal explanations that are over bearing and over whelming. I’d like to note that attractiveness of your web page isn’t everything but something simple and eye catching that make your customers want to seek your product or service further.

3) Do you have a visible call to action, once you’ve got the attention of your participants what do they do next? Download your book? Fill out a form to generate a lead, make this clear as day and even offer a second option to entice them if they second guess themselves. This is especially important with retail outlets. Don’t cloud their judgment by offering a niche product on your landing page but having something entirely different when they decide to search your domain and launch your website.

4) Does your landing page match your web page? If your marketing to a target audience, whats your audiences personas (tastes)  and are you appealing to them, as different or as similarly as they may be? Are you offering products they like that would entice them to optimize their search and continue to your page. Do they see what they were looking for? This is especially important.

5) Lastly A/B testing. Never settle for a solid landing page, always be trying to improve to satisfy you’re customers ever changing tastes and preferences. It might be helpful to enlist the help of a professional who can test your current page and help you develop a potentially more attractive version based on click through rates. People, people are your greatest since of accomplishment and critique, have them test our your site and provide you with feedback, never give up and always listen to them as they could potentially be your future customer.

  • Larson, J., & Draper, S. (2017). Digital marketing essentials
  • MRKT 484 Ryan on testing landing pages. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://media.oregonstate.edu/media/t/0_j1xoorhb

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