What To Do When Your Webpage Doesn’t Rank.

What is search ranking?  Search ranking is your websites position in the search engine.  Ranking for a webpage can be incredibly important. Depending on what words and questions are asked on your webpage will determine how high your website is in the search engine. This affects the performance of your company and allows it to grow or succeed. Every company should want to be at the number one stop on the ranking page after a consumer types in a question.

Creating a “what is” section on your webpage is very important. A “what is” section would include all the questions that the visitors of your page would be asking.vMaking sure that you are adding the question that is most searched in your webpage can help you reach “Position 0”. Position 0 is the ranking on the search page after typing in a question in the search bar. It was said during the Position 0 and Answer box video by Danielle, “that you can be in position 3 or 4, but understanding what it takes to get to position 0 is the important part.” 

Asking employees that work for the company is a great place to start. Stating questions that might be asked by consumers about the company and then being able to add those questions to the website is a great start to getting your company in the position 0 spot. Going after key words is something else that is important. The key words don’t necessarily have to be words most used, but adding any words will help viewers find your web page easier. Using the exact words, “what is” is something that will also make your webpage perform higher.  Creating a glossary of all the words that could potentially be used to search for your company and adding in what is questions will help your page perform the best it can.

After reading through, “How to Rank: The SEO Checklist”, there are 9 steps to help you webpage be successful. Step 1 would be to us accessible URLs. It is important that the person visiting your webpage sees images and videos to help them understand what they are reading. Step 2 includes stating the problem that your company is solving. The words in the solution needs to be easy to understand and follow to keep the reader engaged. Step 3 is to use words that the researcher would use. Don’t use complicated wording that doesn’t bring the viewer to your site. Wording is most important! Step 4 and 5 is to use something with authority to authorize what you are saying. Use descriptions and authorize it. Lastly, steps 6-9 is to further explain why this problem is important. Optimize exciting words and images to make the viewer want to stay on the page.

If you can get your webpage to position 0, there is a 33% chance that your page will get clicked on. Using these tools will help guide the performance of the webpage. The internet is forever changing, and because of that, it is important to stay up to date on what words are being searched and how well your company is doing when “what is” questions are being searched. Just because you are number one one day, doesn’t mean you will stay there forever.


Fishkin, Rand. “How to Rank: The SEO Checklist.” Moz, Moz, 31 July 2019, moz.com/blog/rank-in-2018-seo-checklist.

“MRKT 484 Danielle on Position 0 and the Answer Box.” OSU MediaSpace, media.oregonstate.edu/media/t/0_7in427is.

“Create a Website.” Quicksprout, www.quicksprout.com/ways-to-improve-seo-ranking/.

“The Step-by-Step Guide to Improving Your Google Rankings Without Getting Penalized.” Neil Patel, 6 May 2019, neilpatel.com/blog/improve-google-rankings-without-getting-penalized/.

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