Week 10

This class has been very helpful in many ways. I had never used Canvas or WordPress before and this course has taught me how to use both. I am sure I will be using both sites vert often in my next couple years of school, so it’s nice to be able to navigate through the sites with ease.

I have also learned how to use Excel which I had never used until the Financial Analysis project!  It’s a lot easier than it looks and it’s a good technical quality to have.

I have learned so much from both the videos and articles we’ve read, as well as hearing facts and opinions from other classmates! It’s interesting to see everyone’s side on these kinds of topics and being able to form my own opinion on the subject as well.

I know that after taking this course I won’t look at advertising, commercials or anything the same. I will always be using my knowledge I’ve gained from this class to form my opinions. I plan on excelling in the STEM fields and to make women a bigger ad more important part of this world.

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