Week 10

This class has been very helpful in many ways. I had never used Canvas or WordPress before and this course has taught me how to use both. I am sure I will be using both sites vert often in my next couple years of school, so it’s nice to be able to navigate through the sites with ease.

I have also learned how to use Excel which I had never used until the Financial Analysis project!  It’s a lot easier than it looks and it’s a good technical quality to have.

I have learned so much from both the videos and articles we’ve read, as well as hearing facts and opinions from other classmates! It’s interesting to see everyone’s side on these kinds of topics and being able to form my own opinion on the subject as well.

I know that after taking this course I won’t look at advertising, commercials or anything the same. I will always be using my knowledge I’ve gained from this class to form my opinions. I plan on excelling in the STEM fields and to make women a bigger ad more important part of this world.

Week 9

My greatest dreams:

  • Graduate college
  • Get an awesome job that I love! Hopefully a high school counselor/psychologist.
  • Be successful in any and everything that I do.
  • Fall in love and start a family.
  • Become a cheerleading or dance coach at the high school I work at.
  • Be HAPPY!

This one’s a stretch, but it’s always been on my list…

  • Perform on Broadway! 🙂

Week 9

Overall, this project went smoother and easier than our first project. I had some trouble finding enough information at times, which is my fault for waiting to choose a topic and all the good ones were gone! I have a problem with procrastinating, as you can tell with how close to the deadline I am uploading my project. However, this project went really well in my opinion and I am looking forward to seeing what the outcome is!

I think this product has great recycling options. For Magellan devices, you can just send in your device and they will properly dispose of it for you, which I think is pretty cool. I think that the whole debate about whether a female or male voice is more soothing is crazy and I wish the device could be produced in a less gender-specific way.

Week 8

Overall, I’ve had an easier time with this project than I did with the Cultural Research. After being more experienced with finding information, citing sources, and this website in general, I had a better time writing my paper and posting it into WordPress. I am currently still editing my work and uploading it into its specific pages. However I do have everything all set up to just copy and paste so I am currently finishing that up right now.

This project has opened my eyes to the history and development of the auto GPS navigation device. I had never really thought about where this device came from before starting be research for this project. GPS is something that we all can take advantage of and something that we often forget is so incredible! Now, having all this new knowledge, I will never think the same about GPS.

Week 7

This week I have chosen to do my Gender Lens project on the Auto GPS navigation device. I chose this because I was able to find a good amount of information at first glance, which will hopefully help me to write my project. These have been around for about 15 years and they have made travel a whole lot easier. My research this week has been going well. I have yet to meet with a librarian yet, but it is on my To Do list for this week. However, I did try the online Answerland again just for fun and got the same delayed and not very helpful answers. I plan on finding more information this week when I head to the library and as I continue searching for articles on the web. The bibliography tool I use is called EasyBib.com, which helps generate the citations as well as sort them into order. However, I have to tweak them a little bit for
the APA format, as it only does MLA for free.

Week 6

This project has been a lot to handle! It’s been a busy week already, and this paper on top of everything has been overwhelming. That being said, the final touches weren’t super difficult. Adding in photos and visual aids to my pages was rather easy. However, a video I chose to add for supplementary information, was from a site other than YouTube, and I could not figure out how to embed the video so it could play right there in my page. I posted the URL, however, so hopefully that is enough and doesn’t knock off any points for me.

Legos! I used to love legos. My family owns a small movie theatre on the Oregon Coast and I remember having a play room inside the theatre and playing with Legos all day long. I liked the basic legos; I was never into the crazy intricate legos that you build fancy ships and things with. I used to babysit in high school and these two boys were always building Star Wars figures with their Legos. It was fun to help, but also frustrating because the pieces are so small and everything is so exact. That’s why I stick with the basic block legos. I think I still have them at home somewhere, too!

Week 5

This week was crazy. Last minute, I decided to switch the woman I was doing my cultural research project on because I just couldn’t find enough information about my initial choice. This was frustrating to say the least! I hate doing things last minute, but I also am always one to procrastinate. Go figure! I ended up figuring it all out and it all seemed to come together, which I am thankful for.

I found it pretty easy to upload each piece of my paper into my blog pages. Everything looks good to me. It’s readable and the links are right on my main blog homepage to access each section of my paper. Overall, the set up wasn’t too bad for this project.

Week 4

This week I continued my research for my cultural research paper.

I went to the Oregon State Library on campus and met with a librarian there named Cheryl. She was very helpful in teaching me how to successfully search on the libraries databases and finding acceptable scholarly articles. I attended a class last year (my freshman year) on how do search for articles and do this same kind of thing. I found it confusing then and I still kind of do, however Cheryl was able to help me further figure out exactly what I was doing. I found out that you can link your google scholar straight to the OSU library so you can see if an article from a book is available at your specific library. I found this to be very helpful because it can be so frustrating when you find an article that is perfect, except you do not have permission to read it or you must find the book in a library to actually read it. This was a very helpful thing to learn and I had a successful experience overall!

I also tried the Answerland chat with a librarian to see what it was all about and I found it to be rather unsuccessful. After what seemed like a long while for it being a “24/7” website, I finally connected with a librarian, who didn’t provide much help at all. The responses were very delayed and I found myself just sitting there, waiting for a reply longer than I should have been waiting. I think this website it a good idea, but my experience wasn’t as successful as I expected. I would rather meet with a librarian in person who can answer my questions elaborately and who can teach me hands-on how to do specific tasks.

Week 3: Cultural Research Project Ideas – Ruth Gonzalez

For my Cultural Research Project, I chose to learn more about Ruth Gonzalez. Gonzalez is a Hispanic woman whose field of interest is mathematics. She became the first woman to receive a doctorate in mathematics in 1986 from Rice University. Both of her parents were born in Mexico, but Gonzalez was born in the US. Neither of her parents were able to receive very good education, so they are very proud of their daughter’s accomplishments. I differ from this woman because I have a different lifestyle. Both my parents are white and were born in America so they have a higher advantage over the Gonzalez family, who were unable to attend school and therefore did not necessarily see the importance of education. Gonzalez’s amazing achievements were able to open up her parents’ eyes to the significance and beauty of education. The chance of being able to interview this woman seems pretty slim, but if I could find some more information on her and research her a little deeper, I just might be able to find something to be able to reach her.
I did not use any of the resources above. I had no luck finding women by searching using keywords I was interested in. Instead, I Googled what I was interested in finding which was a woman mathematician from a culture other than my own.

I am excited to begin this project and start learning about a really inspirational woman!

Week 2 – Extra Credit

I had never really used Google News before, just because I am not usually interested in reading the news (as bad as that sounds). It’s amazing how many different functions and applications Google has just on their website. I went on Google News and added all the same categories that were mentioned in the step-by-step instructions from the professor, but I was still confused why there was still other types of news on my feed, even though I had deleted them from my preferences. Again, I don’t really have Google News experience so maybe I am missing something. I messed around on the page for a little bit and then thought to click on just one category I had entered. This brought up only pages referring to “gender & technology”. Then, I clicked on the RSS button at the bottom and, at first, I copied the super long HTML code that the window brought up. Then, when I found that this didn’t work, I realized I needed to copy the web address from the top bar instead. After I did this and edited the RSS module, I saved it and looked at my page and it was all there. I also did a little research on “RSS” since I had never really known what it was. I found that the information updates itself, which I found pretty cool. It’s almost like a mini Google news on my blog that I don’t have to update frequently. I like this RSS thing!