Reading, Studying and Finals Oh My! This first term has just flown by and I can’t believe we are wrapping it all up. This journey has had so many ups and downs, but we made it.

Online Learning

When it comes to online learning my natural strength is my motivation to be successful and being a self starter. This class has helped me to become even more organized that aides in my success as an online student at OSU.  Along with staying organized, this class has taught me so many things and given me so many useful tools to use as I move on to winter term. I really enjoyed the webinar of the online library, it was great getting a walk through on how to use the library. I refer back to my notes all the time as I get more comfortable using the system. This class has definitely set my up to be more successful in the future terms.

Specific Tools

 As a visual learner I have found that taking notes in different colors helps me to retain information better. The reading that goes along with being an online student can be very time consuming. In the beginning of the term, I would read everything right away and I would fall asleep with my face in my books. As the term moved on I started breaking up the reading and adding it to my schedule. By doing this I was able to retain more and save time; not having to go back and reread everything.

OSU Resources

As I mentioned earlier, the OSU Library is such a great resource to utilize. This will be my go to for my future research projects. However, my greatest resources this far have come from my instructors and my councilor. All have been understanding and quick to respond. I’m looking forward to getting involved in KidSpirit in the future. There were also several other organizations I’m planning on looking into more, thanks to my classmates presentations. OSU has so many great organizations, its great to be a part of it all.


This class has taught me not only to set clear goals but that it’s ok to be flexible with my goals. My goals for the upcoming term are to have a 84% or higher in all my classes and to plan ahead for my assignments so that I won’t miss any or turn any in late. I created these goals as a way to be even more successful than I was this term. I looked at my mistakes from this term and made a plan to not make the same mistakes. Going into the next term I’m not as nervous, since I know what to expect now.

It has been a pleasure learning and growing with all of you. Best of Luck and Happy Holidays.

Hello everyone everyone!

All I can say is what the heck happened for three weeks to have already gone by? Well like my life there’s so much going on it just flies by, as the single mother of three super amazing and very active kids I hit the ground running as soon as I get up into the morning. I don’t stop until very late in the evening.  Some of you may have noticed I submit most of my assignments and discussions around 11:30 pm or even later. So to get things back on track my struggles, strengths, and surprises thus far…….


Well let’s start with the struggles. My biggest struggle has been finding enough time to get everything accomplished. From getting kids to and from practice, to games, to work, to coaching, to listening to my 8 year old read for 20 min. Oh crap they have to eat so I make dinner. Then it’s showers and bed time. After they go to bed I tuck them in, say good night and I love them. This is when I finally have a few moments to breath and collect my thoughts before jumping on my computer and  knock out my school work. To be honest I’ve fallen asleep on my laptop. What do you do? You push forward.  I’m still trying to find that healthy balance and use my time wisely but it seems like each week gets a little bit easier.


As each week passes I find new ways to make things work for me. My greatest strength is that I’ve always been a self starter and learner. Knowing how to find what I need to get the information I need as well. My favorite part is that have the freedom to work on my assignments when it’s convenient for me. I love that flexibility.  When I’m doing research I take a picture of the assignment details on my phone. As I gather my information I can continue to refer back to make sure I’m getting the information I need. It’s been a great help and a time saver as well.


My biggest surprise has been how interactive this experience has been. I actually feel like online may be better then actually being in a classroom. Our discussion boards give students strength to comment and express their opinions. Simply because there’s nobody to judge you. Sure we are all being judged in some way but the odds of us meeting face to face is just not likely. Personally, I feel more comfortable saying whatever comes to mind and sharing information on what works for me without feeling stupid or embarrassed.  Which brings me to the next thing that surprised me was how many people feel the way I do or have experienced difficulty in learning. Many of our students have inspired me to try and do new things or look at a topic in a different light; to just open my eyes and give me new perspective.

I really just want to say thank you to everyone out there for all of your engagement and experience.  I love hearing how life just happens and how everyone finds a way to push forward. Sorry I think I’m talking and just rambling on, it’s my first blog and I’m excited, scared and well  as little sleep deprived. It’s a great day to be a Beaver!