Hello fellow Online Learning Success bloggers!

The first couple weeks of online learning has been wonderful, tiring, engaging, and sometimes a race to get everything finished. I feel like I’ve learned so much in such little time, which is amazing, and also speaks to the amount of information my brain has (hopefully) sponged up in the last 2 weeks. I’m very happy that I’ve chosen to attend OSU, and I’m really impressed with the online courses overall.


The strengths that I’ve noticed are my determination to do well, my organization, my ability to break big assignments into smaller, doable steps, and my dedication to fitting in schoolwork where I need to as a stay-at-home-mom. Choosing to take the kids to the park on a sunny day and move studying to later is a nice flexibility that allows me to attend college, but I have to follow through and study that evening instead of relaxing or getting something else done.

Our 4 kids at the park today after school pick up.


As far as surprises, I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how similar to on-ground classes the online learning program is at OSU. I’ve also been surprised at how well my four classes seem to touch on similar topics, creating a beautiful tapestry of learning that spans from statistics, to psychology, to my world religions class. It almost seems more than coincidental how well they all line up, like this is an intended part of the learning experience. Have you noticed a flow of topics within your own classes? Do you think that OSU makes it a point to have topics they like the professors to touch upon each week to encourage flow in the learning?


The struggles that keep me mindful of the challenges of online learning are those moments in my statistics class where I’m just not getting it and I can’t ask the teacher to explain it another way or have her look over my shoulder to quickly see what I’m doing, as they would in a classroom setting. I appreciate discussion board Q&A, but usually I’m hoping for a more immediate answer while doing these assignments. I’ve thought about trying NetTutor. Have any of you given it a try?



11 thoughts on “Dedication, Delight, and Distress

    • Thanks! I appreciate you giving the link for other students to access NetTutor, if interested. I will definitely report back if I do use it this week for my Statistics class.

  1. Thanks Amber! I have to admit that I have never blogged before, I thought I’d take a sneak peak before writing my own first blog, Great Blog! You have given me a lot to work towards in my own! What gorgeous children! I too am a stay at home mom, my son is one. Online classes are great for us! We are lucky!

    • Thank YOU, Danielle! I haven’t done much in the way of blogging, myself. : ) I had a blog up for a short amount of time but decided to take it down in pursuit of other things. Thanks, I agree online classes are great for us stay-at-home moms! My youngest is turning 4 next week and is at home with me during the day. I remember the days when my oldest (my son) was little and I was doing a transcription job online. It can be a lot to handle. (I recall rocking him in his chair with one foot while typing when a looming deadline was near!) Stick in there! : )

      • NO really THANK YOU! I have spent much time typing one handed meet deadlines while I was still working. School and Family can be a lot to balance but I’m sure you know all about this since you are the mother of four! You Go Momma!!

  2. Fantastic first blog post. Coming from a mother, I know how challenging going to school and raising children can be. Your blog indicates that you have found a great balance between organizing your school and family time schedule. You should be so proud of yourself.

    • Hi, sure! I take notes when reading, which makes it really easy to page through the main topics and my interpretations. When writing papers, I always make an outline first, then write the paper the next day, then proofread. Making an outline makes it so much easier, having the skeleton of each paragraph ready to go. I have a written planner that I write down all the week’s assignments in, followed by which part of each assignment/reading that I will do on which day. I aim to get everything done when I write it, or I circle it with a highlighter if I didn’t accomplish it (and it’s not due that day) and move it to the next day or another day that makes sense. And thanks for the compliment on my kids!

  3. Hi Amber!

    I love the way you organized your blog. I have some trouble with reading long text sometimes, and the way it was broken up made it really simple for me, so thank you for that!

    What are some tips you have for breaking big assignments into large parts? I’m a very disorganized person and I’d love some advice, if you have any to spare.

    I’ve also thought about using NetTutor, but I haven’t done it yet. I’d also like to hear about others’ experiences.

    • Hi Allie!
      Thanks for the blog compliments! : )

      My tips I have for breaking big assignments up into large parts:
      • First, I write down everything I need to do in separate color-coded sections in my planner. I write due dates during the week. Then, I see how much of each class I think I’ll be able to do on which day of the week, with priority given to the ones that are due first.
      • If assigned multiple chapters to read, assign yourself a chapter or two one day, then the rest on another day.
      • Assign yourself to make the initial discussion board post on a day during the week, then assign yourself to make the follow-up posts on a day later in the week, leaving time for a final assignment of checking for replies to answer before the final discussion board is due.
      • If writing a paper, take notes one day, then write an outline afterward or do the outline another day, then write the final paper and proofread on another day.
      • If you are assigned a video to watch with a paper or discussion board to write about it, watch the video and take notes, then write the paper or discussion board another day from the notes.

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