Blog Post #1: Successful Online Learning: Strengths, Surprises, and Struggles!

In this class we have begun exploring what makes for successful online learning, how your readiness as an online learner prepares you for success and where potential challenges lie, and you have spent in-depth time investigating your learning styles this week. Reflect on all that has happened to you during your first couple of weeks of becoming an online learner.

In your first blog, please address the strengths you have identified in yourself, the surprises you’ve already encountered during your first two weeks, and the struggles that keep you mindful of the challenges of online learning. Read and respond to your classmates’ thoughts. Aim for commenting on at least 5 of the blog entries this week and replying to every comment you receive to your own entry.

To guide your writing for this assignment, review the Blog Rubric, which outlines the criteria that will be used to evaluate your blog post.

For help getting started, revisit the Canvas course Week 3 Module to review instructions and a video tutorial.

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