Hi everyone!

I find it so hard to believe that we’re already 3 weeks into this term and its even more hard to believe that I’m actually pursing my goal of going back to school! These first few weeks as an online student have been quite interesting but also a great experience to better prepare me for what is coming next in the remainder of this term. I have never been involved in a blog, nor have I hardly ever read too many other people’s blogs so this whole thing is a completely new experience that I willing to embrace!

I would like to start off by talking about my struggles that I have gone through in order to be where I am today. As many of you already know, I am a mother to my beautiful daughter, Gracelyn, and an Army-wife to my amazing husband, Brendyn. Becoming a mother at the age of 18 definitely gave me that extra push towards being the best that I possibly could, and following my husband 1,700 miles across the country caused me to struggle for a while and figure out how I could go back to school this Fall. Thankfully I discovered Oregon State University one night in my frantic search for online degrees and since I got accepted, I have never felt more sure of what I am doing to not only better my daughter’s future, but to better mine as well.  My biggest struggle is finding time to balance my school work with my daughter. I am a stay-at-home mom so that right there seems like I should have all the time in the day to sit down and complete my school work, but the first thing that I learned was I cannot focus at all if my daughter is awake and playing in front of me. This means I do my work while she is sleeping in the morning before she wakes up, during her daily nap, and after she goes to bed. Another struggle with that is the limit on how much I can do during those short periods, which caused me to reduce how many credits I am taking at a time and that has been a struggle to accept still because there’s always this feeling of standards that if you don’t graduate within 4 years then you are slacking. I am slowly getting more used to the idea that I won’t finish my degree in those 4 years. One thing that I do to give my break a mind from the daily routine is take my daughter for car rides to the surrounding playgrounds around town or on my day “off” from school when I am ahead of schedule, we’ll pack up the car and drive 2 hours to Lake Michigan! If any of you are ever in Michigan by some chance visiting relatives or just on vacation, I would definitely recommend you take a visit to the Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes! It’s like a piece of heaven on Earth in my eyes!

Gracelyn and I getting “cheesy”!

With the presence of struggles in life comes the ability to gain strengths to help you get through that tough part! Online learning has really opened my eyes to how simple things can make a huge difference in the long run. In high school, I always stayed on schedule and I never really ventured too far ahead in getting work done days before the work was due. Online learning has been my motivator to getting as much work done as early before it is due in order to have more time to spend with my daughter without always having assignments or due dates stuck in the back of my mind. Also, I have been able tot take advantage of my white board calendar that has sat bare in my closet for years because I have never really had use for it before I started up classes this year. Aside from my self-motivation that has been slowly becoming more profound, I also have grown to appreciate the flexibility that online learning offers its students. Having that flexibility really takes a weight off my shoulders and I don’t need to worry about putting my daughter in a daycare while I go to campus classes or worry about what credits will transfer where when my husband and I move back to Michigan after he gets out of the Army.

Of course my biggest strengths are having Brendyn’s support and my daughter pushing me to be my best.


And last but certainly not least, I have had my share of plenty of surprises when classes started up 3 weeks ago. Actually my first surprise was when I got my acceptance letter in the mail saying I will be starting college this Fall because I was really doubting my ability to get accepted after taking a year off after high school. I’m sure at least some of you can relate on that feeling of relief when you opened that letter and read the news of acceptance! I had taken various online classes in high school, but I had no idea what to expect that first week of classes. I was very surprised how after feeling pretty intimidated the first few weeks prior to classes starting, I did not feel intimidated at all once I saw how things worked in the classrooms. Another huge surprise to myself is how well I have been doing so far. Especially after taking a year off after high school I thought I would be set back some by doing that but I have not struggled academically yet which is one of the best feelings for me.

These past 3 weeks have been going by so great so lets keep up the good work through the remainder of this term! I know I tend to write a lot so thanks for bearing with me through that!

9 thoughts on “Struggles, Strength, and Surprises

  1. Wonderful first blog! I agree with not being able to concentrate when my little one is around. I like how you found which times of day work best for when you can fully concentrate on your schoolwork. It can be hard doing schoolwork in the evening after thinking you’d be able to do it during the day, and I find that I need to do that as well to keep up. Don’t be hard on yourself for going outside of the 4 year “usual.” You are a mom pursuing an education with dedication, and that is what counts the most.

    • Thanks Amber! Yeah I think that I will accept the time frame that it will take to earn my degree the further I get into college. Hearing that from someone else really makes me feel better about that because I did struggle with that while trying to plan out my first year plan here at OSU.

      • I’m glad that you feel better about the time frame. I was told by my adviser to only take one or two classes in the first semester to “get into the swing of things,” and I was surprised that was the advice versus take around 18 credits. I appreciate that OSU wants you to be able to succeed over pushing credit load. I did end up taking 4 classes to meet my full student status, but I can definitely see where less is better when getting going.

  2. I loved your blog. I really admire how hard you’re working to enrich you and your daughter’s lives. It must be difficult to find time to do school- being a stay at home mom is a full time job. But, you’re doing amazingly so far, and you should be incredibly proud of yourself! Something I like to remind myself of when I think that perhaps I may not finish my degree in four years is the story of the tortoise and the hare. Or, the quote “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” Though a little cliche, they’re big morale boosters.

    Also-I experienced that same moment of surprise and relief when I got accepted. I actually took three years off, so I didn’t think I had any chance at a university. It’s comforting to know there are others in this class who took a break, for whatever reason, before pursuing higher education.

    I hope you have a great time earning your degree and give yourself the credit you deserve for how much you’ve accomplished already.

    • I actually think about that story so much with it being one of my favorite childhood fables and my first tattoo I will be getting in about a month or so will be some turtles because that fable means so much to me! I really thought I would be one of the only ones who took a year off because hardly anyone from my home town does that so hearing everyone’s stories has really been encouraging. Thank you!

  3. I really enjoyed reading your blog! I to struggle with concentrating when my son is awake and I find that I have never completed as much as I wanted when he wakes up. I also enjoy being able to work ahead and freeing my mind from the burdens of due dates and assignments. I live in Oregon, We love water sports and spend a lot of time on the water in the summers, this is where I find my little pieces of Heaven on Earth.

    • I have never had the chance to visit Oregon but that’s great you enjoy doing stuff around the water too because it’s just something that I feel like everyone should get the chance to experience! It is hard to concentrate though, so do you have any tips or tricks you have figured out to make the most of your time on your schoolwork? Thanks for your feedback!

  4. I think your blog was really great and shows how adaptable you are, being a military wife is a challenge in its own (thank you to both you and your husband for his service). I really think you just need to remember education is different for all people, so what works for one doesn’t mean that’s what is going to work for you. If it takes you 4 years or if it takes 16 years as long as you are doing what’s best for you and your family at that moment that’s what really matters at the end of the day. Keep going and do it well, you’re going to realize that you’re a rock star.

    • Thank you so much for those words of encouragement! That is true that everyone learns and moves forward in their own way and hearing everyone tell me that the time frame to get a degree is isn’t as important as the fact that I’m getting a degree in the first place is so awesome.

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