Okay, my title may be misleading…. its not always true folks… Though it is a motto I live by, I always remember that I have a 100% track record for getting through hard times. And, I am not going to lie! The last three weeks have not been easy but, I am blessed to be an Oregon State Beaver and know that every little thing… Is gonna be alright!

My three S’s… Well, I gotta start with my struggles, because they are ever so apparent around me…

I have stated before I am my mothers caretaker, a mother to five, a wife to be, and a college student. Each of my kiddos has an activity, I homeschool one of them, and one of them is only close to five months old. We like to call it batcrap craziness around here. That is my struggle, it seems hard to me to actually block out that time to work on MY homework because it always seems as though someone needs me. For example, today! I was going to spend most of the stormy day in the house cuddled with my honey (hes home for a couple of weeks) and read my texts and watch Twilight Zone. No such luck, my mom ended up developing a serious ear infection and I found myself waiting at an urgent care, getting medications, and the whole shebang… Five hours later we were home, only to pick kids up from school and move on to the next set of insanity. So, here I sit… 12:01 am wanting to be up in bed with my honey and baby, but committing to my homework because I’m already further out than I wanted to be. One of these days I will get it… And set it on fire!

Alas though! I love the flexibility of online learning, that could definitely go into my Strengths. I continue to learn what an absolutely amazing human I truly am. Even though through every moment today I survived and I am here doing it! I have learned that I am capable of reading pages and pages and pages of boring political science text and meeting the deadline to get an assignment done in time. I’ve been successful at loving on my kiddos even when I’m stressed to the gills. I’ve also recognized where I need to make some major changes. Baby steps to success.. baby stepping through the office, baby stepping through the office! I am a degree seeking student working her tail off. In my eyes, at this point, that alone is a strength. So, guess what all y’all? Y’all are strong too!

And my success… Well, I get excited when I turn in assignments on time… So in that regard I have had a few. Besides my own successes, I have been watching my daughter flourish in her math program at home. Which is a big deal for our family. She has struggled SO much and a big part of me going to school was so that her and I could do school together. She sees mommy working hard and in turn, she herself, is working hard too. I couldn’t be prouder. I consider that a huge deal. Like I stated in my last paragraph, just being here is a strength and most definitely can be considered a success. I’ve always wanted to be a Beaver. And here I am, in a way that works for my family.



Thank you each for being an encouragement to me! I’m a fortunate gal!

And PS… I was never able to tell everyone… I am a die hard Seattle SuperSonics fan therefore my favorite team is not the Golden State Warriors. In fact, until this last basketball season I hadn’t watched a basketball game since the Seattle Supersonics were sold to Oklahoma City… and random fact, they were sold by the owner of Starbucks… So, I also have not drank a Starbucks drink in the same amount of time. Bring my Sonics back!!!!!


11 thoughts on “BleSSSed not StreSSSed

  1. Fantastic job for your first blog. You sound as though you blog every day and feel very comfortable doing so. I think it is fantastic that you have so much dedication to your education and your family. Family responsibilities are very time-consuming and very much worth it (I speak from many years of experience of education+family+full time jobs). You are such a strong woman who knows what you want in life and a great example for your children.
    I do prefer Dutch Brothers over Starbucks and am a SuperSonics fan too. Go Sonics!!!

    • Thank you! I love love love that you noticed our Dutch Bros! That tends to be my social outlet outside of being a mama, so the kiddos find it very special when they get to partake ?
      I have heard that Starbucks coffee isn’t all that…. Many people have told me it tastes burnt. Who the heck wants burnt coffee?!?!? Have you happened to try white coffee? It is delicious! The bean isn’t roasted as long so its less acidic and “coffee,” tasting… Also contains more caffeine! I haven’t drank coffee in close to 18 months though, quit when I got pregnant with my youngest and just haven’t craved it. Though I do love me a good London Fog (sigh, its actually an issue)… but I always suggest the white coffee to coffee lovers. Its an excellent choice!
      Thank you for your compliment on my blogging technique. I have actually always wanted to blog, I just can’t find the motivation to commit to a daily thing. I love the idea of making an income with it, so I was actually super excited by this assignment. I really enjoy writing, it is by far the way I communicate best. Though, sometimes I get carried away. Sigh.
      Congrats to you on also joining in on this journey. You are so right about school, work, and family. I’m so blessed that I don’t have to work right now… I have done school, work, and family in the past and it literally made me a blithering idiot, so I am doing my best to really soak this time in.
      I look forward to your blog post! And yes, GO SONICS!!! (I actually heard Seattle is in talks of a new arena, which will open talks of an NBA expansion, and Seattle is on the list!!!). Yes, this is serious business ?

  2. Thank you! I love love love that you noticed our Dutch Bros! That tends to be my social outlet outside of being a mama, so the kiddos find it very special when they get to partake 🙂
    I have heard that Starbucks coffee isn’t all that…. Many people have told me it tastes burnt. Who the heck wants burnt coffee?!?!? Have you happened to try white coffee? It is delicious! The bean isn’t roasted as long so its less acidic and “coffee,” tasting… Also contains more caffeine! I haven’t drank coffee in close to 18 months though, quit when I got pregnant with my youngest and just haven’t craved it. Though I do love me a good London Fog (sigh, its actually an issue)… but I always suggest the white coffee to coffee lovers. Its an excellent choice!
    Thank you for your compliment on my blogging technique. I have actually always wanted to blog, I just can’t find the motivation to commit to a daily thing. I love the idea of making an income with it, so I was actually super excited by this assignment. I really enjoy writing, it is by far the way I communicate best. Though, sometimes I get carried away. Sigh.
    Congrats to you on also joining in on this journey. You are so right about school, work, and family. I’m so blessed that I don’t have to work right now… I have done school, work, and family in the past and it literally made me a blithering idiot, so I am doing my best to really soak this time in.
    I look forward to your blog post! And yes, GO SONICS!!! (I actually heard Seattle is in talks of a new arena, which will open talks of an NBA expansion, and Seattle is on the list!!!). Yes, this is serious business 🙂

  3. Great blog! You are a super mama! You blend your struggles with your strengths so beautifully. I can tell that you’re a very caring person with a lot of determination and a good head on her shoulders despite the chaos. That is quite a feat. Good job, keep it up!

    • That means so much to me. I feel absolutely crazy this evening as I just bombed my midterm for Psychology 201 because my computer quit working. Sigh, what do you do? Just hope like heck that the instructor has a lil mercy or I work my ever livin booty off the rest of the term and hope for atleast a B!
      I appreciate your kind words. I only do the best I can and somedays its not always pretty.
      Have a great term and good luck to you! <3

  4. You GO Girl! Your Blog made me smile from the beginning to the end. Their is some humor to your honestly and I really appreciate it! Are you funny in person to? Life sure does have a way of throwing a spin on things doesn’t it, but like you said every little thing is gonna be alright!

    • I was voted most outrageous in high school and have been told I always bring a smile. I lean on my humor to get me through It definitely helps though sometimes it can be a hindrance as I have a hard time taking much seriously.
      My kids and I share many laughs.
      I am glad I was able to bring you smiles and laughter, its what I do <3

  5. Great blog post! You’re definitely a source of inspiration for your children. You even inspire me. I admire so much that you’ve chosen to take on an education while already juggling a hectic family life. But you have that fire inside of you that ensures you WILL succeed, and your daughter, the rest of your family, and all of us will be so proud of you!

    • Awe…. Thank you Allie. I am so glad I came to read these this evening even though our assignment is over. I really needed these encouraging words after a bummer of an evening in regards to my psychology midterm. Thank you thank you thank you. Good luck to you this term <3

  6. Reading your blog really made me feel like I wasn’t alone in my struggles and reminded me that there really is humor in the crazy lifestyles we live. I also love your fun facts I have a few of my own, did you know Dutch Bros was started right here in Grants Pass Oregon? They also roast thier own beans right there as well. And I may not have been a super sonic fan but I’ve always been a big fan of Gary Payton who by the way is a Beaver too! But I’m sure you knew that already, what you don’t know is he was the inspiration for my oldest sons name “Payton” who is 16 now. Just want to say keep up the great work it can only lead to success.

    • That made me smile! What a great name! Love it!!! I had a kitten named after him, GP… He is actually the precursor of my love for the Oregon State Beavers. I’ve loved em since I knew they existed. Lol.
      Part of my love for Dutch Bros is the fact they are “local,” my sister use to live in Grants Pass and I have a niece there still. I want to make it down to visit. I have very fond memories there.
      Thank you so much for your fun fact. That brought a huge smile to my face. I got to meet Gary Payton a couple of years ago at a University of Portland game where his son (GP2) was playing (for the Beavers), I felt like a nine year old girl all over again. It was such an amazing moment, my (now 14 year old) was so excited for me, even though it was part of his Christmas present he gladly snapped quick pix of us.
      Good luck girl. I am certainly rooting for you.

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