Throughout my long path to complete my educational goals I have faced many difficult challenges; however, I have found the resilience to get through them so this term will be no different even if it sometimes feels as though the world is crashing down on me I know I will survive another term as in the past. I can look past the old challenges because this year I am closer to my path and am lucky enough to be starting my education at OSU as a Junior knowing that I have been fortunate to have been given such an opportunity and know that there is a new horizon ahead.

I am sure that I mentioned somewhere in my introduction post on the discussion board that this term I had a complete shoulder replacement over the summer on my right (dominant arm). My Struggles are having to accept that it was okay to have to cut back on the number of credits this term was okay and that my best this term may not be quite equal to my best thus far with getting things done and turned in early, being able to spend as much time on each assignment without pushing past my pain threshold, taking detailed notes and typing as fast as I usually can due to having only one hand to do so. I have struggled to take utilize technology and disability resources at OSU to get additional assistance that I normally would be more independent on. I have always been someone who loved a challenge; however, this term has been much more challenging for me as I struggle to keep up with assignments, manage family time, physical therapy appointments, financial challenges related to having fewer resources due to my temporary disability (time off from work) and my husband being laid off from his job within two months of my surgery (another income gone). I know that things will get better because they always seem to work out and I get to look back and say it was just a temporary setback in life that will make my life better in the long run.

My Surprises are that I am doing my first blog without totally freaking out. I have heard about blogging and read my share of blogs while doing research during my educational journey; however, I actually get to be a part of it. I am surprised to see how some of my classmates in this course have been able to just jump right in as though they have done blogging every single day of their adult lives. I have taken many different online courses due to my work and family schedule in the past; however, I have learned so much more from this class which will help me get through my primarily ecampus course schedule throughout my journey with OSU. Being a part of online classes enables me to take all of the input from so many other students and utilize it to help me become a more efficient online student. In a classroom setting, I primarily get to listen to the instructor talk but in the online courses everyone seems to be able to have their input heard and communicate as though we are all working together in the moment and they are all so supportive and encouraging. I am so proud of how all of my classmates are able to overcome many different challenges so that they too can continue their own education for themselves and as examples for their children and anyone else in the world. All of the input, etc. helps me to learn better how to manage my time because I can see that there are many challenging reasons why we all take online courses. Blogging seems to be another way for us to continue to communicate and learn together.

As far as Strengths go, I am finally beginning to get set into a bit of a schedule this week that I can manage. I feel a lot less stressed and not so limited on time to do my assignments now that some additional time restricting challenges have been resolved for now and I can actually set a more manageable schedule. My strength of having taken a few prior online courses with a community college and having this course to help ease me into OSU’s online setup will enable. I have a great deal of determination and resilience which has enabled me to overcome many challenges and I know that the ecampus is a great fit for me. Preparing ahead and organizing tasks into manageable chunks has always been effective and online courses allow me to do this on my time once the first two weeks of the quarter are out of the way and I have better understanding of how the course will be laid out. I am a very visual learner so these online courses are a strength of mine also because I can see tasks that need to be done one thing at a time and when they are due.


10 thoughts on “A new horizon

  1. Wow! Good on you! I could not even begin to imagine managing all you are managing, this and an injury! Goodness. You go girl! I really appreciate that you mention all you have overcame and that this is no different! You have a 100% track record of getting through tough times. Way to go!
    I do believe there are some great resources available to you, and its easier for me to say than it would be for me to do, definitely utilize them! If you are anything like me though, you are independent and don’t care to ask for the help. Hence why I said easier for me to say than do. It would take me a lot of personal motivation and probably a bit of pushing from my partner, an advisor, etc to ask for that help.
    Good luck on schedule making. Someone offered me the great advice as to color coordinate my calendar in a viewable part of the house (I am actually going to get a ginormous wall calendar once the rain lets up here) and use different highlighter colors to designate when I need to make board postings, when assignments are due, when I personally want to have texts read, etc. Maybe that could help you as you coordinate around physical therapy and, well…. life. Lol.
    Good luck to you and wishes for a speedy and successful recovery!

    • Thank you for your support. Wow, it really sounds as though you have it together as far as planning etc. I love your idea of color coordinating your calendar and would love more ideas and advice on these types of study tools if you come up with any. Please email me a photo of your calendar when complete so I can see it with a little clue attached to help me do it myself. Next term may be more challenging for me since I will have to take 4 classes at a time. Again, thank you for the encouragement.

  2. I can’t imagine having a complete shoulder replacement in the first place, let alone on the arm that you use on a daily basis since it is your dominant arm! You must have the patience of a Saint to be able to type all of your notes one handed! haha Aside from your surgery though it sounds like you have been able to push past so many obstacles getting in your way and you came out on top. I too was a little surprised how well everyone else was posting their blogs as if they do it on a weekly basis and yours was one of those that looked like you did as well so great job on your first blog post! I love all of the strengths you have been able to identify and being a visual learner (as am I) is a really good fit in online learning! I hope your shoulder heals quickly so its one less thing in your way!

    • Thanks for the compliments because they too will help me get through this challenging term. I guess we don’t always see our own work as good enough and have tendencies to compare what others do to our own work without the need to; however, I believe that society tends to help us maintain such a view of ourselves. The online learning has been a blessing to me thus far for my success as a student and full-time employee (except at this time). The way the courses are constructed to do step-by-step and follow in modules with calendars, etc seem to be a big plus for us visual learners. I love the videos, charts, etc that allow us to see how things fit together and make sense.

  3. Great blog! You said you don’t know how the other students jumped right in like they’ve been doing it forever, but yours is on par! Great voice and enjoyed hearing about your surprises, struggles, and strengths. You are determined through a major setback, and I’m very impressed by that.

    • Thank you Amber. I believe that we are all in this together and that seeing others try something that might be new to them (such as blogging) for the first time, we can gain confidence from one another. I know that my situation with my temporary disability is only that “temporary” and I just have to remind myself when the struggle seems challenging as in other life events.

  4. I really liked how you talked about how you needed to come to terms with cutting back on credits this term due to health related issues. I think it’s great that you’re still doing some courses in order to stay actively learning but you’re also listening to what your body/you need. It feels like things always come up, so it’s important to remind yourself that anything is progress and accept how things are. I really enjoyed your post! Hope the healing process is going well.

    • Thank you for your support. I really think that discussions and “blogs” related to online courses seem to help due to all of the guidance and communication you receive from others. The healing process is coming along slowly; however, it is coming along well. I know that there will be “light at the end of the tunnel” as the saying goes.

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