Welcome to my blog

Hello! My name is Kevin, and welcome to my blog.

I plan on writing about my current opinions on upcoming video game hardware and software. I’ve spent a fair amount of time in my life playing video games. Multiple years, at least. I started before the NES, and I’m still playing today. I’ve been a console gamer, and a PC gamer, and a mobile gamer. I keep an eye on the video game industry because I think it’s interesting to see where they think they should go next.

My thoughts on the subject of video games have shifted over time. I’ve seen so many good things, so many bad things, so many good things suddenly turn bad, and vice versa. It’s an interesting topic to consider and discuss. Some things just don’t seem to make any sense, and the decisions that lead to these nonsensical things are some of the most interesting to analyze and dissect.

My goals are simple. I’d like to just write my thoughts down and see how much of the future I can predict. I don’t want to write this to get popular, or make money, or troll the industry. I’m writing this because I want to. I couldn’t care less about the success or failure of this blog. It’s just something fun for me to do. So as long as I’m having some fun predicting the path of the video game industry, I’ll be succeeding at my goals.

If you’re the kind of person who enjoys reading about some random person’s thoughts on how much of a screw-up the Super NES Classic is going to be, or what decade Kingdom Hearts 3 will release, or when Half-Life 3 will have a demo, this might be passably amusing at least. If you’re not interested in this subject, I’m sorry. Let me know how I’ve failed you and I’ll make it up to you by failing again. To everyone else, stay tuned!

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