White FEMINISM: How does it affect ouR fight?

The goal behind feminism is to provide equal opportunities between both women and men. So , if that is the goal, why does it appear that there is a lack of activism for women outside of the White race? Chapter two of The Intersectional Internet , The Trouble with White Feminism: Whiteness, Digital Feminism, and the Intersectional Internet, Jessie Daniels, analyzes the fault we see in white feminism against the overall cause.

In this melting pot that is America, the standard of a “normal” person is that of white decent (or even just white features and privileges). It is no secret that white men experience a privileged life, but what often goes unnoticed is the privilege that White women receive due their their race. Whether it be a major movement such as feminism or their ability to sell makeup to the masses, white women have a voice that many marginalized women do not have the advantage of. Yet, for some reason, their power is not being used for the greater good of womanhood, but rather for their own feminist movement, white feminism.

In her essay, Daniels, dissects three major instances that white women used their voice to benefit women of their own background while neglecting those who deserve if not equal, more attention in their fight. She uses the cases of Lean In, One Billion Rising, and The Future of Online Feminism to support her point. These three instances are just a few of many examples where the progression of ones own group was put before the greater good.

The access to Internet allows the voiceless women to be heard. However, Without the support of feminist who already have a voice and are being heard minority women will continue to be unequal not only to men but also to white women.


Noble, Safiya Umoja., and Brendesha M.. Tynes. The Intersectional Internet: Race, Sex, Class and Culture Online. Peter Lang., 2016.

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