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The following documents and resources may be useful when developing presentations.

Reminder: please let the MG Program Assistant know when you are invited to speak to outside organizations.  We will provide an outreach kit and have other resources available to help you.

If you want to practice your presentation or would like help developing specific class materials, just let us know!


Best practices for Master Gardener talks


Teaching Adult Learners

Teaching Tips for An Engaging Class is a 2 page document developed for another Extension program.  It has good ideas that can be adapted to gardening presentations.


Teaching Gardening to Youth

The Extension office receives more requests for youth educators than we can fulfill right now! Hands-on lessons about entomology seem to be in especially high demand.  If you’re interested in receiving training in teaching youth or getting involved in this outreach effort, please let us know!


Sample Presentations

Do you have Powerpoint or other teaching materials that you’ve developed as a Master Gardener? Please consider making them available for others to utilize.