2018-2019 Approved Continuing Education Classes
Returning Master Gardener? Remember to take 10 hours of Continuing Education between by October 31 each year to stay certified. Enter your CE classes in the Master Gardener Volunteer Reporting System (VRS) by 10/31 each year.
What criteria does OSU Extension use to approve classes for continuing education? Continuing Education status is granted to educational programs/classes that support a volunteer’s ability to deliver research-based and objective gardening information to the general public.
Come across a class that you think should count for CE or have questions?
Let Elizabeth know, Elizabeth.records@oregonstate.edu
Please check the weekly MG eNews for the most current opportunities.
List of classes (reverse chronological order more or less)
Monthly county MG Association chapter meetings (ongoing)
MG Advanced Training webinar series (ongoing & recorded)
Monthly talk series in Sweet Home (ongoing)
Monthly talk series in Lebanon (ongoing)
PNW Brown Bag series at Albany Library
Beevent Pollinator Conference (Albany)
Gearing Up for Gardening (Corvallis Library)
Insights into Gardening Conference (Corvallis)
Online gardening classes offered by OSU’s PACE division (Professional and Continuing Education)
Approved continuing education classes offered by Master Gardeners in other counties
Some classes offered by local garden centers and Garden Clubs (classes must meet the educational criteria above. Not sure? just send the description to Elizabeth for a quick review)