Need to log your volunteer service? CLICK HERE.
Please check the weekly eNews for the most recent requests for volunteers.
See the full list of volunteer projects available in Linn County for 2019 (please contact Elizabeth with any corrections)
Plant Clinics (Report your hours as: Plant Clinic – Direct) check the weekly eNews for current sign-ups
- MG Plant Clinic Desk at the Linn County Extension Office (operates year round)
- Albany Farmers Market Plant Clinics (May-Oct)
- Sweet Home Farmers Market Plant Clinics (contact MG Brenda Winslow for dates & to sign up)
- Brownsville Farmers Market Plant Clinics (contact MG Don Lyon for dates & to sign up)
- Pop-up Plant Clinics (occasional/year round)
Have you been asked to speak/teach for an outside group?
Want to start a new volunteer project?
Want to volunteer for a community project that is not listed above?
*Please reach out to the MG Program Assistant (Elizabeth Records) prior to volunteering. All new outreach events need approval by Extension and more involved volunteer projects also need approval of the LCMGA. This is to ensure that all of our educational projects meet the OSU Extension Master Gardener Program mission and can be adequately supported by available volunteers and funding. You may be asked to submit a ‘new project request” form. This process is in place for several reasons: it allows the Extension staff and faculty to provide adequate supervision by ensuring that volunteer opportunities meet the OSU Extension Master Gardener program mission, that OSU’s volunteer liability coverage covers your activities, ensures that advertising of public events is done according to OSU guidelines, and avoids duplicate projects by potentially connecting you to other volunteers and/or funding resources for work in similar projects.