With the right tools, anything is possible!

Last weekend we moved 12.5 of the yards of soil referred to in my last post, plus about 6 tons of gravel.  To do this I used my favorite toy… a “tool carrier”.  I call it a walk-behind bucket, but whatever you call it, it moves about a wheel barrow load at a time.

My dashboard

My dashboard

2013-06-22 17.22.38

Okay, I think I put about 7 hours on this machine.  Kinda wish I could have my very own.

Okay, I think I put about 7 hours on this machine. Kinda wish I could have my very own.

So what were we doing with all this gravel?  Making a 16 x 20′ patio under the balcony!  This will eventually be covered by a big deck, but for now a comfy summer patio works just fine.

The new patio!

The new patio!


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One Response to With the right tools, anything is possible!

  1. Shelly says:

    My dad calls this toy a “walk behind skid loader” and the one’s that are rented in his area are named “Dingo’s”. What’s this machine called in your area?

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