
Would You Like to Participate in the 2017 International Master Gardener Conference as a Volunteer?

Planning and executing the 2017 International Master Gardener Conference is a big job!  Volunteers are needed to assist in many capacities, in order to put on a top-notch conference that will make us proud of our efforts.

Interested in volunteering for the 2017 IMGC?

A brief description of available volunteer opportunities can be found below.

Registration Committee: helping to put together conference packets; working one or more 2-hour shifts at the registration desk, assisting attendees as they arrive to pick up their conference packets.  Sign-ups are now open for 2-hour shifts at the registration desk.

Local tours: helping to create a program of local, Portland-area tours that will be of interest to conference attendees. Creating maps and directions for participants to get to tour sites. Pre-touring sites to make sure they are safe for conference attendees. Arranging for transportation, as needed, for tours.

Hospitality Committee: greet conference attendees as they arrive at the airport, and help direct them to their destination. Help conference attendees navigate public transportation in Portland. Generally assist conference attendees, by answering their questions or finding someone who can answer their question. Serve as a greeter that helps attendees feel welcome in our state and in our city.

Trade Show Committee: line up vendors to display or sell appropriate items during the conference; work with sponsorship committee to ensure that high level sponsors are given a free trade show booth; serve as the liaison between trade show vendors and the IMGC chair.

Decorations Committee: plan and make decorations that will help conference attendees feel welcome in our state and in Portland.

12 thoughts on “Volunteer”

  1. I live in Olympia, WA. Is there anything that I can help do from home or will there be anything that I can do on conference days that would be helpful?

    1. Hi Pam,

      Fantastic! We have a hotel hospitality committee (to help put together welcome bags and cards for those staying in conference hotels) and a convention center hospitality committee (to help direct traffic, welcome attendees, answer questions or help get questions answered). I can forward you name and email to committee chairs, if one of these is of interest to you. Just let me know which is of greater interest.

  2. Hi, I’m Jen Tussing a MG from Everett Wa. I’d like to volunteer as a registrar and ail willing to do other things as well like greeting, food set up. Here’s my question, can my non MG husband help as well, and is there Conference attendance discounts for volunteers? We can stay in town from July 10-15 with relatives while we volunteer.

    1. Hi Jen,

      Unfortunately, we are not offering conference discounts to conference volunteers. We’re trying to keep volunteer shifts short (longest is two hours) and reasonable, so that folks can still participate as volunteers to get a different view of the conference, but that it will not take up much of their time. Non-MGs are welcome to volunteer. We’re still finalizing our list of volunteer needs and duties, and will be reaching out to folks who expressed an interest in volunteering, sometime in the next few weeks.

  3. Hi, had sent this in an earlier email and also filled out the Qualtrics survey…definitely willing to help as previously stated:
    I am willing to offer up my brawn…sounds like i might be able to help with trade show/gardener’s store w/ Pete Jacobsen or i am happy to help prepare where needed on July 9, the day before and morning of July 10 before our meetings and such. This may include putting together goody bags or reg packets w/ Marilyn Scheffler. I am also willing to meet folks at the airport, drive them in or support however helpful in the evenings throughout the conference after 6 PM or on July 9.

    Anyhow, I am very willing to help make this as big a success as can be mustered, and should be arriving in PDX on Sat, July 8. I might also be willing to help with a tour, but would have to figure out how that might be done from a distance. Please feel free to forward this email to both Pete and Marilyn, and then I can have a phone conversation with either or both.

  4. I have volunteered in Hospitality (11:00-12:30) and Registration (2:00-4:00) on Tuesday, July 11.

    Unexpectedly, I will be out of town working during that whole week. How would you recommend that I gracefully withdraw and let other MGs know that the spot is available again?

    So sorry but thank you for understanding.

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