Information for SFE Winners

Congratulations on winning an International Search for Excellence Award.  We are excited to greet you at the 2017 IMGC, and to celebrate and applaud your great work.  

Below is information that you might find useful, as you prepare for your visit to the 2017 IMGC.

Search for Excellence Presentations (1st place winners)

  1. There will be a SFE presentation practice on July 10th from 3-4pm at the Oregon Convention Center.  This will be for those groups that won 1st place in the International SFE.  First place winners will present their work and receive their award at the General Session on July 11th.  Second and third place winners will receive their award at the General Session on July 11th, but will not deliver a presentation.  The presentation practice session is an opportunity to upload your presentation, to test projection and audio, and to briefly run through your presentation.
  2. First place winners will have a maximum of 4 minutes to share their project at the July 11th General Session.  We can not accommodate presentations that go over time.  You will be given a signal at the 3-minute mark, to help keep you on time. At the 4-minute mark, we will have to move, in order to keep within our allotted time frame, and to allow time to honor all awardees.

Search for Excellence Posters (All SFE winners)

  1. The trade show hall  will be open for all SFE winners to hang their posters on after 2pm on July 10th.  Posters must be taken down by 5:30pm on July 13th.  Posters should be printed so that they can fit into a 46 inch by 46 inch space (maximum dimensions). If you have not seen a poster session before, here is one example ( Please bring push pins to hang your poster.
  2. Power Point is a useful program for preparing your SFE poster.  You can find helpful hints on preparing your poster HERE.  After preparing your poster, you can have them printed at your University, or at a copy center (such as Kinko’s).

Search for Excellence Awards and Photos (All SFE Winners)

  1. All SFE winners will receive their award at the July 11th General Session.  First place winners will give a short presentation (4 minutes, max), prior to receiving their award.  Second and third place winners will not be giving a presentation, but will be receiving their award at this session.
  2. After receiving your award, please move to the side of the stage (a volunteer will help direct you) to have your photo taken.
  3. SFE recipients will receive a small monetary award.  In order to receive your monetary award, you will need to fill out THIS FORM, and return to Jo Brown before June 15, 2017.  If you have any questions about filling out this form, contact Jo Brown, 937-521-3860.  You may return the completed form via:
    • Email: with Subject Line: SFE Awards Payment
    • USPS Mail: Jo Brown, 3130 E. Main Street, Springfield OH 45505
    • Fax: ATTN: Jo Brown, 937-328-4609

Blog Post (All SFE Winners)

  1. ALL winners  must create and submit a short blog post about their winning projects for the National EMG Blog, by June 10, 2017. You can review past blog posts, here, to get a sense of the type of information that past awardees have shared.  When you are ready to submit your blog post, please email it to Diane Nolan ( and copy Gail Langellotto (