
Conference Hotels

hotel landscape

We have taken great care to select hotels which are comfortable, close to the Convention Center and that will meet a range of budgets.

Crowne Plaza Portland – Downtown Convention Center: $194 per night, flat rate for single, double, triple or quad. It is a 0.3 mile walk (~ 7 minutes) from the hotel to the Convention Center.  Complimentary, high speed internet in guest rooms.  Make your reservations by contacting the hotel at 1-866-242-1264 and mention booking code MGC.  You may also make your reservations online.

Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Portland: Our block of rooms at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Portland is full.  $169 per night, flat rate for single, double, triple or quad. This is the conference headquarters hotel. The TriMet Max line runs from the front door of the hotel to the Convention Center stop. If you would rather walk, it is a 0.3 mile walk, which will take you about 7 minutes.  Complimentary basic internet in guestrooms. Make your reservations by contacting the hotel at 1-800-996-0510 and mention booking code MG7.  You may also make reservations online.

Inn at the Convention Center: Our block of rooms at the Inn at the Convention Center is full.

For those wishing to extend their stay beyond the conference, a separate block of rooms has been created for July 16th and beyond.  The rates for this extended block are:

  • Double Queen Room:  $135 per night (plus tax)
  • Double Queen View Room:  $145 per night (plus tax)
  • King Room  $135 per night (plus tax)
  • King View Room:  $145 per night (plus tax)

We know that, for many attendees, finding the lowest possible hotel rate is paramount, and we are aware that often people choose to stay on the outskirts of town and then choose to drive to the conference each day.

However, before you book your hotel room for the International Master Gardener Conference, we want to mention the following ….

We have made  every effort to keep costs at a minimum for those attending the 2017 International Master Gardener Conference. One way this is done is to make a commitment to the convention and visitor’s bureau and to the host hotels that a specified number of hotel rooms will be occupied by our conference attendees. In exchange for the hotel room occupation, the convention and visitor’s bureau provides a rebate that helps to cover the cost of renting the convention center.  Without this rebate, we would not be able to afford to host the conference at the convention center at a reasonable rate for conference attendees.

We encourage all conference attendees to stay at the host hotels. Please be aware that if you are sharing a room with another delegate, both names must appear on the room reservation by the hotel reservation cut-off date.

Staying at the host hotel makes it easy to enjoy the the camaraderie of fellow Master Gardeners volunteers, faculty and staff and conference attendees inside and outside of scheduled activities.

Just imagine – no commuting time to conference activities; additional networking time with colleagues; and amenities, such as room service, safes, exercise facilities, and restaurants/shops – everything in one convenient location.

It certainly is your choice as to where you desire to stay during the conference, but please understand that we  have contractual commitments that we must honor.  We hope that you will help us assure that there are no negative financial implications when hosting an International Master Gardener Conference.

17 thoughts on “Lodging”

  1. I would like to know what the possibilities are for meals if I stay at The Inn. I see Starbucks on my map. Anything else? Will there be food available at the convention center?

    1. Hi Dianne,

      I will be releasing hotel reservation codes on October 10th. I’m holding back, because one of our three hotels can’t yet take hotels into July ~ and I wanted to open everything (conference registration, tour registration, hotel reservations, exhibitor registration) at once, rather than opening things in a more piece-meal fashion.

    1. Hi Lynne, Still no resolution on the Inn at the Convention Center. I called them Thurs, Fri and today (Monday). Today, I asked our hotel rep (from Helms Briscoe) to see if they can help us figure out where the Inn at the Convention Center stands (i.e. can they take our reservations, or not, and if yes ~ when). I hope to be able to report news, soon.

    2. Hi Lynn,

      The Inn at the Convention Center JUST opened up their block. I will work to update the website and the registration system confirmation letter . . . but wanted to let you know, asap, as I know that the exchange rate has been a concern. Call the Inn, directly, and use the code, IMGC.

  2. Hi Gail,
    I understand there were some negotiations regarding parking fees at the Doubletree for our conference Hotel management said I should inquire with conference administrator. Any info you can share?

    1. Hi Todd,

      In our contract, it says that parking at the Doubletree is $20 for overnight and $14 for day parking. I don’t think this is any different than their advertised parking rates ~ at least it is not different than their current advertised parking rate.

  3. Hi, Gail.
    My husband and I are planning an RV trip “out west” to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary. We’re thinking about extending the trip to include the IMGC and wondered if there are RV/camping sites available close by. Can you advise?

    1. Hi Chris,

      I am not an RV’er, but found that the Columbia River RV Park is reasonably close (~9 miles) to the Convention Center. The drive will take about 20 minutes, or you can take public transit (MAX Yellow line). With the MAX Yellow line, you have to first take the 11 bus to get to the MAX Yellow line. In total, the public transit trip will take ~50 minutes. I have not checked out the park, but it gets decent ratings, online. http://www.columbiariverrv.com/

  4. Thanks for all the efforts to make lodging available. I tried to reserve for a Sunday arrival and the Convention Center has no rooms in our block. They are not taking any general registrations at this time. Any way you can expand the block of rooms? The sessions begin on Monday so a Monday arrival is not in the cards. Help?

    1. Hi Rita,

      We do have a block of rooms reserved at the Inn on Sunday ~ but they must all be taken, already. The Inn has said they would allow people to reserve rooms outside of our block, but that they can not offer the same rooms at the price we negotiated three years ago. They are offering rooms at their prevailing rate of $135 – $145 per room, outside of our block.

  5. Three of us are coming a long way–from the Florida Keys. We would each like our own bed, but none of the above hotels could accommodate us. Is anything available with three beds to a room? thank you
    Donna Hanson
    Islamorada, Florida Keys

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