Roger 440 at 5pm To enter the giveaway make sure you are following OregonStateSHPE on Instagram and are on the SHPEtina slack channel!
Guest Speaker Today!
Dr. Adams will be speaking today at STAG 160 from 6-7pm! Come enjoy some free food, get a study break, and learn about her experiences as a women in Research!
General Meeting this Tuesday! Roger 440 at 5pm!
We will be playing Fibbage, an online game where you use your phone to enter in bluffs and witty answers! We will be having pizza and beverages, feel free to suggest toppings in the slack channel!
General Meeting Tuesday!
We’re having our general meeting this Tuesday at Rogers 440 at 5pm. The main focus of the meeting will be discussing the year long project.
First General Meeting
We will be holding our first general meeting at the Willamette East room on October 1st at 5pm in the Valley Library! We will be having pizza and drinks to discuss what you all want from the club throughout the year.