Online Chat with Rick from WCCLS

Before chatting with Rick online, the resources I found for my topic were few and far between. He definitely helped direct me towards a bounty of new information. He asked me first and foremost if I had done any background research on her, and I sent him the links of all the web pages I have visited up to this point. He was very helpful, and answered some of my more specific questions. He also helped me locate some key points in her bibliography.

All in all, chatting with  Rick was helpful and pleasant. I have never used an online chat feature to connect with a librarian before, this was fun, new and interesting!

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Dr. Sharon Peacock- Revised Culture Site Project Topic

As I have needed to change my culture site topic, I’ve decided on Dr. Sharon Peacock. from the University of Cambridge. She is now a Professor of Clinical Biology, and partnered with the Sanger Institute. As if that is not enough, she also keeps afloat a research program in Thailand that is primarily focused on molecular epidemiology.

She graduated from Southampton University in 1988 with her degree in medicine, and in addition she studied in London, Brighton and Oxford for four years to achieve her MRCP. She then was trained in clinical microbiology in Oxford. She remained there as a senior lecturer from 1998-2002. She then spent the next seven years in Thailand accepting awards and furthering her research at her program.

Needless to say, this woman has accomplished a lot, and I truly don’t think she is finished.

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Marie Curie-European Inventor

While researching women for my culture site project, I stumbled upon Marie Curie. This French female inventor lived from 1867-1934, and made such a huge impact on the technology of the healthcare industry by discovering radioactive metals Radium & Polonium. Because of her findings, X-ray was advanced further, and is now much more efficient.

Along with discovering these precious metals, she found that by using radiation, tumors can be shrunk. I find this to be extremely incredible, and admirable. Especially considering she was a European women in the 1800’s. She graduated college from Sorbonne University in Paris in 1891.

Although I have never experienced France, or any of Europe for that matter, I am much intrigued by this culture, and time period! I cant wait to read more in depth about her impact on technology.


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Creating Blog

To my surprise, creating this blog was easy and well guided. I have never had a blog before, so this should be an exciting experience. Happy to try something new!

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