Roads crisis-cross the state of Oregon, making roadsides an appealing focus for creating an interconnected network of pollinator habitat. But roadside habitat has to fit within the constraints faced by Departments of Transports. In this episode we hear about some of those constraints and successes achieved by Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT).
Our guest this week is Robert Marshall, who is the Roadside Development and Landscape Architecture Program Lead for ODOT. He is also a member of ODOT’s Pollinator Task Force.
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How ODOT Helps Protect Pollinator Habitat (Brochure)
Robert’s book recommendation: Natural vegetation of Oregon and Washington (Franklin and Dyrness, 1973)
Robert’s go-to-tool: USDA NRCS Plant Database
Robert’s favorite pollinator species: Yucca whipplei and the yucca moth
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