Monday, May 13th: 
BJC 1st Annual Dental Night 
 5:00 pm in Tykeson 111 (Registration Not Required) 
Contact Jordan Chopra BJC Social Coordinator for more details:
Pizza Provided
Tuesday, May 14th:
OHSU: Medical Laboratory Scientists Profession 
1:00-2:00 pm in Tykeson 209 (Registration Not Required) 
Contact for more details
Pizza Lunch Provided
Wednesday, May 15th: 
St. Charles 1st Annual Healthcare Exploration 
5:30-7:30 pm at St. Charles (REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED)
Rides provided from OSU-Cascades at 5:00 pm
Contact Laura Kloss for more details: or Abby Teal PHSC President:
Dinner Provided
Thursday, May 16th: 
Oregon Biosciences Association 8th Annual: Bio in the High Desert
5:00-8:30 pm at 10 Barrel Eastside (Purchase tickets online: $30 for members/students, Tickets at the door are an additional $15)
Registration opens at 5:00 pm 
Programming from 6:00-7:00 pm 
Networking at 7:00 pm 
Friday, May 17th: 
BJC 2nd Annual OHSU: MD/PA Program Information Session
2:00-4:00 pm in Tykeson 207 (Registration is Requested but Not Required)
Contact Kaitlyn Mattson BJC President for more details:

We will be kicking off this spring term with looking at a cognitive psychology journal that focuses on the question: “Can Exposure to Fascinating Stimuli Affect Memory Performance in Mentally Fatigued People?”

The meeting will be on Friday, April 12th at 10 am, Room: TBD



Please join us April 27th from 11am-12pm in TYKH 204 for our next Bioscience Journal club meeting. Emma will be presenting the following article:

Pickles, B. J., Wilhelm, R., Asay, A. K., Hahn, A. S., Simard, S. W., & Mohn, W. W. (2016). Transfer of13C between paired Douglas-fir seedlings reveals plant kinship effects and uptake of exudates by ectomycorrhizasNew Phytologist,214(1), 400-411. doi:10.1111/nph.14325

Please join us March 2nd from 1-2pm in TYKH 204 for our next Bioscience Journal club meeting. Kaitlyn will be presenting the following article:

Suresh KalathilAmit A. LugadeAustin MillerRenuka Iyer, Yasmin Thanavala, Higher Frequencies of GARP+CTLA-4+Foxp3+ T Regulatory Cells and Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients Are Associated with Impaired T-Cell Functionality, Published: February 2013


Please join us February 2nd from 1-2pm in DINE 210 (different from normal location) for our next Bioscience Journal club meeting. Dr. Bruce Seal will be presenting the following article:

Laurits Skov, The Danish Pan Genome Consortium, Mikkel Heide Schierup, Analysis of 62 hybrid assembled human Y chromosomes exposes rapid structural changes and high rates of gene conversion, Published: August 28, 2017,


Please join us January 19th from 1-2pm in TYKH 204 for our next Bioscience Journal club meeting. Nicole will be presenting the following article:

Robin L Carhart-Harris, Mark Bolstridge, James Rucker, Camilla M J Day, David Erritzoe, Mendel Kaelen, Michael Bloomfi eld, James A Rickard, Ben Forbes, Amanda Feilding, David Taylor, Steve Pilling, Valerie H Curran, David J Nutt, Psilocybin with psychological support for treatment-resistant depression: an open-label feasibility study, Published Online May 17, 2016 ( S2215-0366(16)30065-7)

Please join us November 17th from 12-1pm in TYKH 204 for our next Bioscience Journal club meeting. Karissa will be presenting the following article:

Emil F. Coccaro, M.D., Intermittent Explosive Disorder as a Disorder of Impulsive Aggression for DSM-5, Published 1 June 2012, Volume 169, Issue 6, June 2012, pp. 577-588. (

Please join us November 11th from 12-1pm in TYKH 204 for our next Bioscience Journal club meeting. Lauren will be presenting the following article:

Benjamin Davies, Laurence A Brown, Ondrej Cais, Jake Watson, Amber J Clayton, Veronica T Chang, Daniel Biggs, Christopher Preece, et al, A point mutation in the ion conduction pore of AMPA receptor GRIA3 causes dramatically perturbed sleep patterns as well as intellectual disability, Published 14 July 2017, Human Molecular Genetics, Volume 26, Issue 20, 15 October 2017, Pages 3869–3882,