Welcome to the Internet of Things CoP 2019-20!

Greetings everyone!

My name is Shirsopratim Chattopadhyay and I will be serving as the Coordinator of this CoP for the next year. A very warm welcome to all of you. I look forward to working with you all and taking the OSU IoT scene to hitherto uncharted heights in the months to come. I am always open to suggestions for improving this space, so feel free to drop a mail (you can find my contact info at the bottom of this page).

The first CoP meeting time,dates and details will be uploaded soon, so stay tuned!

Creating an Arduino Controlled App

This tutorial was very helpful in getting me starting with my capstone project. This link is useful for those of you trying to create an Android app to control your processor. The reason I say processor is because it doesn’t necessarily work exclusively for the Arduino. Once you get the main concepts from the code, you can implement this by using another app creator other than the MIT App Inventor.

Link: http://forcetronic.blogspot.com/2016/08/how-to-build-android-app-to-control.html

Make your terminal on macOS less boring with cowsay

One of my daily workflows is using terminal on macOS to connect to ENGR severs and run many applications using command lines. I want every time open the terminal to do any tasks , there will be an inspirer message. This helps to get my gears going. So I decided to install cowsay on my machine.

How to make cowsay at beginning terminal session macOS

Thank you for reading. Feel free to  share your custom terminal session and ideas.


ESP32 Code


Raspberry Pi Thermostat

I’m replacing my old thermostat with a raspberry pi, so I can control the temperature based on Google Calendar events. My intent is to save energy by having the furnace be off most of the day, but still have the house warm when I want it.

You can find the repository at https://github.com/kamocat/Thermostat

I’m using custom hardware actually controlling the furnace and measuring the temperature. I have a 5V relay for the control signal to turn on and off the furnace, and an ATTiny861 to read the voltage off a thermistor voltage-divider. It communicates with the PI over UART.

First meeting – Spring term

Hello everyone!

The first meeting in spring term for the Cloud and Application Software Community of Practice will be happening Monday, April 15th at 5.00 PM in Dearborn 211!. Thanks