Wikipedia Policies: Identity-Safe Spaces

Wikipedia policies encourage writers to take care when writing about women, choosing proper descriptors when describing people from specific regions, and to use gender neutral words. This is important for creating identity-safe spaces.

When writing about women it’s vital to reference their works and accomplishments as an individual in order to avoid gender bias. If she was the first woman to complete a certain accomplishment it is important to acknowledge her other achievements prior. This assists in avoiding unconscious gender bias whilst reading biographies of women.

Relationship are also important to reference correctly when writing about women. Wikipedia article about women address their relationships more often than articles about men. When it is necessary to discuss avoid terms such as, “man and wife” and “Mrs. John Doe.” These word choices come off sexist and mark the women as objects their husbands own. If their relationship is not correlated to their works and achievements discussed then it is best to leave it out.

Gender neutral language should be used when writing and editing Wikipedia articles to steer clear of misgendering and the use of “unnecessary reinforcement of traditional stereotypes” (Wikipedia: Gender Neutral Language, 2019). In order to compose gender neutral content the use of the singular pronoun, they is appropriate. Always including both genders is another solution but does not take into account people who do not identify as either male or female. Because “man” is seen as the norm or given I personally like to use “she” to combat the patriarchal contributions regarding language. When I reference a theoretical being I choose “she” but “they” I think is more proper.

When choosing descriptive words for people it is necessary to refrain from inappropriate or racial terms. Wikipedia urges the descriptor the group of people being referenced prefer. Instead of choosing “Asian,” a very broad and expansive region, it is best to narrow down and choose “Japanese” when referring people from Japan. Another point to mention is the significance of not choosing to use derogatory terminologies. Instead of referring to African American as “colored,” which is very hurtful to the African American community, it is best to instead use “African Americans” or “Black people.”

Insuring usage of neutral and PC terminologies is critical to write informational and unbiased pieces. From respecting women’s achievements, people’s gender identities, to people’s ethnicities. Wikipedia has guidelines to help us navigate our ways to contributing sound and civil work.

Bibliography: “Manual of Style.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 29 Oct. 2019,

“Manual of Style.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 29 Oct. 2019,

“Writing about Women.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 6 Sept. 2019,

“Gender-Neutral Language.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 27 July 2019,

He works + She works in a Patriarchal Society

Occupational sexism is any discriminatory happenings that take place within the work place. Often referred to as double standards. Males are held to “this” standard. But if you are female, you are held to this (often stricter) standard. These “typical office double standards,” Kirk and Okazawa-Rey (373) shed light on how very unfair women and men are treating within workplace walls.

A man displaying his family photo on his desk characterizing him as a loyal, stand-up, family man. When a woman displays a family photo it is seen as her prioritizing her family above her career. (373) I agree that women face these challenges, I myself have personally. I do think He Works, She Works,But What Different Impressions They Make shares valuable insight to how different assumptions and impressions are made regarding one’s sex. What jobs we take, what promotions we may achieve, what our pay is, to how our actions and emotions are interpreted are interdependent on our sex within this patriarchal society.

The Wikipedia Article, Occupational Sexism talk more on the discriminations working women face. A knowledge gap within this article is referencing the patriarchal society we live and participate in. I also think referencing He Works, She Works, But What Different Impressions They Make could help elevate the Wikipedia article by providing readers information of the double standards working women face.

Making this change within the Wikipedia article would combat not only occupational sexism, gender discrimination, and patriarchy. The two former stem from the latter. To tackle it from the root cause instead of simply trimming back the unsightly overgrowth would produce an equitable bouquet for all the enjoy. To bring down the patriarchy would assist greatly to bring down other systems of oppression.

Kirk, Gywn, and Margo Okazowa-Rey. “He Works, She Works, But What Different Impressions They Make.” Readings for Diversity and Social Justice, by Maurianne Adams, Routledge, 2018, pp. 373–374.

“Occupational Sexism.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 13 Oct. 2019,

Troubles with White Feminism + Lateral Violence

While reading “The Trouble With White Feminism” I learned how social systems of power shape and mold online spaces such as Twitter or discussion forums. For example, a White male scholar (*sniff sniff*, you smell the privilege too right?) was harassing women of color because they “were in the way.” Mikki Kendall, WOC digital activist called not only him out but the white feminist bloggers that stayed quiet as *crickets* when the whole thing went down. Mikki started #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen to bring forth the issues with White feminism and how the lateral violence spreads. Lateral violence is when those of an oppressed group become the oppressors.  “The historical antecedents of White feminism are rooted in colonialism.” (p. 43) The problem with White feminism is how it sits complacent while their fellow sisters are struggling due to the social systems of power such as racism, classism, and homophobia.

Examples of how White women shape and mold “the framework of feminism in a digital era” (Noble 56) are Sheryl Sanberg’s Lean In movement, Eve Ensler’s One Billion Rising , and The Future of Online Feminism report.

Sanberg’s Lean In movement and book propose a very narrow Liberal feminist approach. An individual approach to mold yourself into the cookie cutter shape society has deemed superior. Although new to the feminist movement, her words really address white, educated, corporate level, married, straight, able women. Nothing is mentioned about Women of Color, or of LGBTQIA+ sisters, or any other social location that isn’t deemed the “norm.”

Eve Ensler’s, a playwright began the One Billion Rising campaign raising money and awareness for sexual violence. She had devoted February 10th as V-Day without addressing V-Day is a day to honor Indigenous and Native Women. She promoted the “incarceration of perpetrators” which is a problem with White feminism as well. Not acknowledging that state violence affects People of Color differently.

The Future of Online Feminism was written by two white feminist bloggers who tried to encompass Women of Color’s point’s of views but really was a report of their own shared experiences. They spoke of ways to have digital feminist blogging a money maker but didn’t hit on how differing social locations, unlike their own, could play certain roles in succeeding.

These three examples shine a light on the problems with White feminism because how it is sits idly by not acknowledging, or being complacent, with social systems of power that benefit themselves and harm others. This lateral violence reveals that, “White feminism is indistinguishable from White supremacy” (Noble 45).

“The Trouble With White Feminism: Whiteness, Digital Feminism, and The Intersectional Internet.” The Intersectional Internet: Race, Sex, Class and Culture Online, by Safiya Umoja. Noble and Brendesha M.. Tynes, 6th ed., Peter Lang., 2016, pp. 41–60.

Summary: Digital Intersectionality and #BlackLivesMatter Movement

To summarize the article Digital Intersectionality and The #BlackLivesMatter Movement by Brendesha Tynes, Joshua Schuschke, and Safiya Umoja Noble it is imperative to understand what the movement is and what the movement is fighting for.

The #BlackLivesMatter Movement is a discussion that was sparked by the acquittal of George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin’s murderer. A hashtag turned movement by Alicia Garza, Opal Tometi, and Patrrisse Cullors about in which ways Black lives are denied freedom, safety, equity and equality because of systemic racism. It’s a movement demanding that the slaughtering and imprisonment of Black lives end. Social media has made it possible for so much information the reach numerous people in little amount of time, sometimes instantly.

“Social media has amplified the visibility” (Noble 22) of the state violence that is happening to Black lives so it is brought to light more often and quickly. Social media having that upside though does not mean it does not have its downs. It still has roots of heteropatriarchy. Black women and Black LGBTQIA+ people are at the frontlines of organizing #BlackLivesMatter but sadly Black women and Black queer women are too often not included. This calls for digital intersectionality and with the beginning of #SayHerName the movement has grown and is more inclusive to Black women and of the LGBTQIA+ community. It’s an ever evolving movement that will #SayHerName to bring awareness of the Black women that are murdered by state violence therefore battling the systemic divisions of social locations that goes unchecked at times.

The Intersectional Internet: Race, Sex, Class, and Culture Online (Digital Formations Book 105) (p. 21-37). Peter Lang. Kindle Edition.

“About.” Black Lives Matter,